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You are talking about the old China which is now Communist China, correct (and not Nationalist China/Taiwan)? Considering Pre-Red China has an ancient history, this "China" most likely concerns your question.

China (prior to becoming communist in 1949) was always invaded: Mongols, Tartars, and the Japanese. Europeans such as the French, British, Russian, Germans, or even Americans never invaded China in the accepted use of the word. Those nations "wheeled and dealed" their way into China via the world market of trade goods such as Spices, Tea, Opium, Silk, Gunpowder, to name a few. Those "Goods" led to territorial seizures along the Coastlines which were primarily needed to support their naval fleets which in turn protected and supported their "trade goods" (like Britain's Opium Wars in China).

What protected China from a total carving up was it's geographic size and luck. Along with one more thing, China was fortunate enough to have a "central command structure"...meaning it was "one nation" and not a whole bunch of little countries bundled up together like Europe is organized. Similar to that old saying, "United we stand, Divided we fall." Europe was divided that's why Germany could carve up Europe; China was one nation, that helped save it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11mo ago

China was able to resist foreign invasion due to several factors. Firstly, its large population and vast territory made it difficult for invaders to conquer and control the entire country. Additionally, China had developed advanced military technologies and strategies, such as the Great Wall, which provided a formidable defense. Moreover, China’s strong centralized government and bureaucratic system helped maintain stability and unity, making it harder for foreign powers to infiltrate and exert control over the country.

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