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Because of the numerous reforms which she made to Russia during her reign, however she wasn't a total despot because she let the nobels ginfluence her decisions greatly.

It had nothing to do with the fact she was married to Peter III - she had her lover murder him so that she could become ruler.

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Q: Why was Catherine the Great considered an enlightenment despot?
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Russian empress who was considered an enlightened despot?

Catherine the Great

How accurately does the term enlightened despot describe Cathrine the great?

Catherine the Great was known as an "Enlightened Despot," because she reigned during the Age of the Enlightenment when she and other monarchs like her such as Frederick the Great and Joseph II, began to understand the concepts of reason, natural law and other ideas being developed at the time by various philosophers. Most importantly, the "enlightened despot" realized that even though she or he had monarchic powers, they had an obligation to use those powers for the good of their subjects rather than just for themselves.

What was an enlightened despot?

The major enlightened despots were Frederick the Great of Prussia, Catherine the Great of Russia and Joseph II of Austria.

Whowasthe ruler of Russia who used enlightenment thought to reform?

The ruler of Russia during the Enlightenment was Catherine the Great

Was Catherine the great an enlightenment ruler?

Catherine the Great of Russia was considered among the so-called "enlightened despots" or enlightened monarchs." During the Age of Enlightenment several monarchs began to realize philosophically that their function was to rule for the the benefit of their subjects as much as for the benefit of themselves. In other words it wasn't just "me, me, me." Catherine the Great, Frederick the Great of Prussia and Joseph II of Austria are the three most notable "enlightened despots."

How did Catherine the great contribute to enlightenment ideas?

Catherine the Great contributed to Enlightenment ideas by promoting education and culture, implementing legal reforms, and fostering the arts and sciences in Russia. She corresponded with Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire and supported religious tolerance, freedom of the press, and the betterment of her subjects' lives through reforms.

Was Catherine the great enlightened ruler?

Catherine the Great of Russia was considered among the so-called "enlightened despots" or enlightened monarchs." During the Age of Enlightenment several monarchs began to realize philosophically that their function was to rule for the the benefit of their subjects as much as for the benefit of themselves. In other words it wasn't just "me, me, me." Catherine the Great, Frederick the Great of Prussia and Joseph II of Austria are the three most notable "enlightened despots."

Why was Catherine the Great so Great?

Catherine the Great was very open to the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers. People like Voltaire helped her form how she ruled her kingdom. She wanted to allow everyone a chance. Sadly, she is most remembered for expanding Russia's territory.

How did Catherine the Great become so great?

Catherine the Great was very open to the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers. People like Voltaire helped her form how she ruled her kingdom. She wanted to allow everyone a chance. Sadly, she is most remembered for expanding Russia's territory.

What was Voltaire's opinion of Catherine the Great?

Interesting question. Turns out Voltaire and Catherine the Great carried on a long correspondence for about 10 years. Voltaire respected Catherine and referred to her as an "enlightened despot". Although he disapproved of her extravagant court, he admired her strong leadership and rule. He also called her the "Star of the North". He thought so highly of Catherine, he evidently kept a portrait of her in his bedroom. Catherine corresponded with some of the greatest minds of the era and encouraged arts, philosophy and sciences.

What were Catherine the Great's accomplishments?

The Russian empress Catherine II (1729-1796), known as Catherine the Great, reigned from 1762 to 1796. She expanded the Russian Empire, improved administration, and vigorously pursued the policy of Westernization. Her reputation as an "enlightened despot," however, is not wholly supported by her deeds.

In what area did Catherine the Great of Russia achieve the greatest success with her Enlightenment reforms?

She was empress or tsarina of Russia Also westernizing Russia in 1569