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Captain Cook's original mission was to observe the transit of Venus from the vantage point of Tahiti. He was then under orders to try to find the great unknown southern continent, and claim it for Britain. In so doing, he charted the eastern coastline of what he called "New South Wales" (now Australia), making extensive notes on the people, flora, fauna and prospective suitability for colonisation, and reported back to England.

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Q: Why was Captain Cook sent out to explore what was he looking for?
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Why did Captain Cook settle in Australia?

James Cook never settled in Australia. He was sent to explore whether there really was a great southern continent, but he never settled in Australia.

Why was Captain Cook searching for Australia?

James Cook was not searching specifically for Australia. He was sent to explore whether there really was a great southern continent. He found the east coast of New Holland, previously discovered by the Dutch, but what he was really looking for was "Terra Australis Incognita", the unknown Southern Land, which was believed to be a great Southern landmass.

Why did Captain Cook not see land of NZ when looking for Venus?

1. James Cook was not looking for Venus. He was sent to observe the transit of Venus, which was a different event, and best visible from Tahiti. 2. Cook then did sight New Zealand, reaching the islands in October 1769.

Why did Captain Cook set out on his voyage?

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James Cook was sent to observe the transit of Venus in 1769. Apart from observing and recording this phenomenon, Cook's exploration was strictly earthbound.

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The Royal Society sent James Cook on a mission to chart the transit of Venus at Tahiti.

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Captain Cook did not actually explore Antarctica. However, he became the first known European to cross the Antarctic Circle when he was sent again to discover if another great land lay east of Australia, in 1772-3. Pack ice and the solid freezing of the ship's sails prevented further exploration of the region.

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What is Captain James connection with Antarctica?

Captain James Cook did not actually explore or set foot on Antarctica. His connection with the continent was the fact that he became the first known European to cross the Antarctic Circle when he was sent again to discover if another great land lay east of Australia, in 1773 and again in 1774. Pack ice and the solid freezing of the ship's sails prevented further exploration of the region.

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