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At this point Canada was no longer a colonony of Great Britain, therefore, Canada had no obligation to fight along side of Great Britain.

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Q: Why was Canada not at war as soon as Britain declared war as had been the case in 1914?
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Did the British hate the Germans in 1914 before the war started?

No the British didnt, infact the British and Germans had been close allies before 1914, Nine years war 1688, War of Spanish succesion 1701-1714, 1756 Seven year War where Britain and Germany had strong ties and alliances throughout and of course there was the strong alliance in the Napoleonic wars right through to the end of the Battle of Waterloo. The only reason Britain went to war with Germany in 1914 was to honour the treaty of London 1839 which guaranteed Belgiums neutrility from any invasion, and Germany invaded and Britain kept to its word and declared war on Germany, August 4th 1914.

Why did Canada involved in battel of Britain?

canada actually was attacking us but since that war is over us three have been good friends.

Why did Canada fight Germany in World War 2?

The reason that the GERMANS fought Canada was because Hitler was trying to get the government to agree with him to make slavery legal so he started World War 2

Who did Britain declare war on?

The colonists of the British Thirteen Colonies declared war on Great Britain in the act of their decleration of Independence. When the decleration was made on the 4th July 1776 and rebelled against Great Britain. This means that the United States actually declared war on Great Britain, not the other way around. The above is not really true. Neither the colonists nor the British government ever formally declared war on each other- the war just sort of "happened". The Declaration of Independence was not a declaration of war, it was a justification for the war that they were already fighting and for seeking independence from Britain. The war started in April 1775, and the Declaration was ratified in July 1776- over a year later. The British saw the war as a rebellion against their rule, so if they had issued a formal declaration of war, it would've been a tacit admission that the Colonies were not part of their country (you don't declare war on yourself)- this is the same reason why the North did not declare war on the South during the Civil War almost a century later. The Colonists, on the other hand, had no reason to- they were already fighting, so issuing a declaration would've been a total waste of time. However, other countries did join up and formally declare war on Great Britain or vice versa. In 1778, France made an alliance with the Colonies, and when they informed Britain of it, Britain declared war on them. The next year, Spain allied with France and declared war on Britain. The Dutch also joined the war, but I can't remember who declared war on who in that instance.

How many times financial emergency has been declared in India?

it has never been declared in India

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Or not. Canada has been at war with many Nations but never Britain, at least not directly.

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France declared war, after they had been invaded and taken over.

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It was never declared,England,Britain and the United Kingdom have ALWAYS been in Europe and the people European, they are Western Europe.

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Bermuda has been a combatant in every war declared by the Kingdom of England between 1609 and 1707; every war declared by the Kingdom of Great Britain between 1707 and 1800; every war declared by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland between 1800 and 1927; and every war declared by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland between 1927 and the present.

Did the British hate the Germans in 1914 before the war started?

No the British didnt, infact the British and Germans had been close allies before 1914, Nine years war 1688, War of Spanish succesion 1701-1714, 1756 Seven year War where Britain and Germany had strong ties and alliances throughout and of course there was the strong alliance in the Napoleonic wars right through to the end of the Battle of Waterloo. The only reason Britain went to war with Germany in 1914 was to honour the treaty of London 1839 which guaranteed Belgiums neutrility from any invasion, and Germany invaded and Britain kept to its word and declared war on Germany, August 4th 1914.

What was the name of the war that was between Canada and Britain?

Canada and Britain are and always shall be allies and partners in the Commonwealth. They never have been, and never shall be, at war against one another.

When did Great Britain entered the war?

On March 28, 1854, Great Britain formally entered the Crimean War when it declared war on Russia. The war had been going on since October 4, 1853, when the Ottoman Empire declared war on Russia.

What year did Canada separate from Great Britain?

The United States and Canada have been separate countries well before either have been founded as countries.

When did Great Britain enter the Crimean War?

On March 28, 1854, Great Britain formally entered the Crimean War when it declared war on Russia. The war had been going on since October 4, 1853, when the Ottoman Empire declared war on Russia.

Why did Britain grant some self-government to Canada?

Britain had been worried about it's North American colonial possessions costing them money and getting them into a war with the USA. Britain did not just agree to create the Dominion of Canada many in Britain had been pushing for it. Editorials in British papers had made it clear that many would not support sending troops to protect Canada from American invasion and would support the Annexation of Canada by the United States.

Why did Canada involved in battel of Britain?

canada actually was attacking us but since that war is over us three have been good friends.

When America got independence what was the position of Canada?

Technically, Canada didn't exist during the Revolutionary War. So the people who would have been in the area now known as Canada would have been part of the Great Britain.