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He was a fantastic inventor, thanks to him, We have electricity.

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Q: Why was Benjamin Franklin important in one sentence?
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Benjamin Franklin was one of Americas greatest citizens identify singular and plural possessives?

The above sentence should read: Benjamin Franklin was one of America's greatest citizens.America's is the possessive.

Who is on one dollar?

Benjamin Franklin

Is Benjamin Franklin on the one hundred bill?

yes Benjamin Franklin is one the $100 bill.

Is Benjamin Franklin British or American?

Benjamin Franklin was American; he was one of the Founding Fathers, and was born in Boston.

What is a good education quote by Benjamin Franklin?

There are a few different quotes that are about education that were said by Benjamin Franklin. One quote says, "Education is the most important value that will matter 100 years down the road."

Who is on the one hundred?

Benjamin Franklin

Why is Benjamin significant?

Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of America. He served in many important positions such as the United States Minister to France, and the President of Pennsylvania.

What did Benjamin Franklin in the Revolution?

In the revolution time Benjamin Franklin did quite a lot of things , but one importent one was he was one of the five men who drafted the constution.

Who are the fathers of science?

one is Benjamin Franklin

Who wrote a book about Benjamin Franklin?

One of the first was Ben Franklin himself.

What is Benjamin Franklins title?

One of the titles for Benjamin Franklin was President of the state of Pennsylvania. Benjamin Franklin was president from October 18, 1785 to November 5, 1788.

Who is on the one hundered dollar bill?

Benjamin Franklin