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Q: Why the oyalist where force to leave there homes in Anerica?
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What was the hardest trip for Jews to make?

probably the one where they had to leave their homes.

What was the impact on Jews at home doing the World War 2?

Jews had to leave their homes like they eventually had to leave everything.

What was the only way Athenian women could leave their homes?

If they had their husband with them or a male relative with them.

How were People Affected by the Dust Bowl?

Ssome had to move out of there homes and leave town because their property had been destroyed others died in the storm

Why did people choose to leave there homes family and friends to go West?

For adventure, for wealth and for a new start in life.

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they dont have homes

Why did Europeans leave their homes after the war?

because their homes were completely distroyed

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Do people in Ghana live in mud homes?

people in Ghana do not leave in mud homes

Can platypuses leave their homes often?

Young platypuses do leave their homes. They do not remain as a family group once they reach maturity. Older platypuses may leave their homes if their hunting grounds (freshwater creeks and rivers) are beginning to get low on food, and move on to new areas.

Which scenario describes voluntary migration?

A group of farmers leave their homes to search for more fertile lands elsewhere.

Demographic why do people leave Bangladesh?

Shortages of food and homes

Why did people leave their homes and countries?

so they can have a new life

Why did the eleutheran adventurers have to leave their homes?

for farming and fishing and freedom

Did Berlin blockade force the western powers to leave the city?

Did the Berlin blockade force the western powers to leave the city

When do animal babies leave home?

They leave their homes when they are old enough to survive on their own.

What was the hardest trip for Jews to make?

probably the one where they had to leave their homes.