

Why the name is given as random access memory?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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12y ago

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This is done as because you can access the memory at any random point i-e randomly.

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No difference really, they still take 1's and 0's and make mathematical calculations corresponding to their instruction sets (CPU). What is DONE with that has changed dramatically tho, with every new generation, and that's about the only real difference...well besides the darn size thing. Any more of an answer would be doing your test for you, and take far more room than this page offers. 1st generation computers used vacuum tubes. This generation spanned roughly 1940s to 1958. Today's generation uses very complicated integrated circuits. It started no earlier than the 1990s. A typical single IC from a modern computer contains several orders of magnitude more components than an entire 1st generation computer occupying an entire room, and runs at speeds unimaginable in the 1st generation.

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