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The northern plains in India are called the food bowl, because they have good soil, and plenty of rain.

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The northern plains in India are called the food bowl, because they have good soil, and plenty of rain, so there is good harvest.

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Q: Why the Northern plains are called 'the food bowl of India'?
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Food bowl of India?

Northern plains is called "food bowl of india"

Why are northern plains called food bowl of India?

Many rivers are flowing through the Northern Plains and these rivers carry water through out the year. They also carry fine silt and deposited along the river banks. This is called alluvium. This alluvial soil is very good for crops and so many crops are growing in Northern Plains.

Why is northern plain called the food bowl of India?

Yes. Punjab is the food bowl of India. Many of India's food comes from there. That's why there are many fields there.

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Andhra pradesh is historically known as the "Rice Bowl of India."

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The most historically famous example of the devastation of the great plains was called the Dust Bowl. Droughts did devastate the Great Plains, but the Dust Bowl was caused by a combination of this and poor farming practices.

What is the term that describes the devastation of the great plains by drought?

The most historically famous example of the devastation of the great plains was called the Dust Bowl. Droughts did devastate the Great Plains, but the Dust Bowl was caused by a combination of this and poor farming practices.

What is the loss of soil on south great plains in 1930s called?

The Great Dust Bowl