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I think Slavery should be banned for life, its so wrong to treat someone diffrently because of their race!

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Q: Why slavery should be banned Because how would you like to be treated like this it is not fair?
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.....slavery IS banned......

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No...the notherners believed in the book and atually thought that slavery was wrong and should be banned

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Because the North and South had different perspectives of how African Americans should be treated. The South was a rural comunity, so it needed slaves to work on their plantations; however, the North was an urban region, it didn't need any slaves to work because they had advanced machinery, so slavery was banned

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bad all people should be treated equal

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People who believed that slavery should be banned outright. They didn't like Lincoln allowing the Border States to continue slavery, because he didn't want to upset powerful slave-owners and drive them into the arms of the Confederacy.

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What was the belief that voters should be given the right to decide if slavery would be permitted or banned?

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Why should slavery be allowed?

Slavery should not be allowed because it is a violation of human rights and dignity. It perpetuates exploitation, abuse, and suffering of individuals and undermines principles of equality and freedom. All individuals deserve to be treated with respect and have the right to live a life free from servitude.