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Q: Why should the federal government oppose Indian removal according to elias boudinot?
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What are limits of state governments?

Speaking in terms of the United States Constitution, states with the USA cannot pass laws that contradict laws and regulations that are specifically intended for the US Federal government. By the same token, all powers not given to the Federal government are left for the US states to deal with. For example, states in the USA may create laws concerning violations of state statutes. The imposition of a sales tax or its removal is a state decision. With that said, the creation of tariffs falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal government as it is written in the US Constitution.

What did the union flag look like at Gettysburg how many stars?

35. The stars of the Confederate States that seceded from the union were not removed from the flag because the Federal Government didn't recognize the legality of the secession and would not acknowledge it with the removal of the stars from the flag.

How was the indian removal act violated on many occasions?

Many tribes signed the removal treaties. However, the Cherokee Nation refused and fought the government in courts.

Why did Jackson force the native Americans to move west from Georgia and other parts of the shoutheast?

well from my knowledge, white people wanted them to leave so President Jackson passed a Removal Act which the federal government can pay the Native Americans to move to the west of the Mississippi River.

What happened after the government ordered the removal of all American Indians from Illinois?

u need to know this

Related questions

Why did treatment of Cherokee get worse after the Supreme Court declared Georgias Indians removal laws to be unconstitutional?

The federal government did not enforce the court's decision.

How did the federal government implement the idian removal act act in 1838?

The Government enforced the Indian removal act by threatening them. Those who didn't move willingly were forced out of their territory on "The Trail Of Tears"

Which act allowed federal government to pay native Americans to move west?

Indian removal act

Which act allowed the federal government to pay native Americans to move west?

Indian removal act

Why did treatment of Cherokee get a worse after the supreme court declared Georgia's Indian removal laws to be unconstitutional?

The federal government

Why did treatment of Cherokee get worse after the Court declared Georgia's Indian removal laws to be unconstitutional?

The federal government did not enforce the Court's decisions.

What branch of government can impeach federal officials?

Yes. According to the constitution, the House has the power to impeach federal officials (even the president). The Senate acts as the jury, and (in presidential cases) the Chief Justice acts as the judge.

What is Removing federal officials classified as?

The removal of federal officials is called impeachment.

Which two branches of the federal government came into conflict over the Indian removal act?

The executive branch and the judicial branch came into conflict over the Indian Removal Act. Congress passed the act in 1830.

What was the US government's policy for dealing with Native American tribes?

The most famous policy the federal government implemented was the Indian Removal Act of 1830 under president Andrew Jackson. This allowed for the government to remove Indians from their land and enforced by the military.

What is an example of removal power?

In the US, the most basic example of removal power is done by the electorate when they do not reelect a senator or member of the House of Representatives. The more severe type in the US is an impeachment a high level person, be it a Federal judge or even a president. The impeachment process in the federal government must be completed by a trial in the Senate. If convicted of the crimes committed the judge or even a president is removed from office.

What are limits of state governments?

Speaking in terms of the United States Constitution, states with the USA cannot pass laws that contradict laws and regulations that are specifically intended for the US Federal government. By the same token, all powers not given to the Federal government are left for the US states to deal with. For example, states in the USA may create laws concerning violations of state statutes. The imposition of a sales tax or its removal is a state decision. With that said, the creation of tariffs falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal government as it is written in the US Constitution.