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People should care about the atomic bomb attack because that is how WWII ended. It's a big deal considering that America was once allies with Japan and now they turn on the American citizens, so America decided to turn back on them and drop the Atom Bomb, or "Atomic Bomb".

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Q: Why should people care about the atomic bomb?
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How did the atomic bomb affect people and the culture?

With two adversaries now armed with the same weapon; warfare had to be fought WITH LIMITATIONS; the Korean & Vietnam Wars. Conventional weapons only; no nukes.

Why did we drop the 2nd bomb on japan?

The dropping of the two bombs on Japan and the killing of several hundred thousand innocent civilians was an American advertising effort to frighten the Russians who were seen to be a future threat. Japan at the time was ready to surrender. The messages to Russias were:We have atomic bombsWe have lots of atomic bombs. Not Just one.We don't care who we kill in using them! Watch out! Don't cross us!

Would the war lasted longer if the Americans didn't drop the bomb on Hiroshima?

The answer is yes. The United States was pondering a coastal invasion of Japan, which at the time was a heavily fortified army base. The Japanese government did not care about its people and was ready to fight the invading Americans to the death. The projected deaths of American soldiers for this invasion was close to a million. to put that into perspective, about 400,000 Americans ended up dieing in the war all together. The two atomic bombs dropped were used to send a message to japan that the US had the weapons and was not afraid to use them. They killed approximately 300,000 Japanese citizens and right after they were dropped, japan surrendered and the war was over. Many people believe that decision by Harry Truman to drop the bomb actually saved lives. The war would have lasted much longer and would have been much bloodier if the atomic bomb was not used.

How and why the US developed the atomic bomb?

At the outset of World War 2 there was great fear in the scientific community that Nazi Germany would be the first to develop nuclear weapons. There was no doubt in the minds of physicists, many of whom were refugees from the Nazis, that Hitler would use an atom bomb if he obtained one. Accordingly the United States, Britain and Canada jointly developed the first atomic weapons in what was called the Manhattan Project.Below are related links to Wikipedia articles on this subject, which is likely far too complex to answer in this forum. You can also try Googling "Nuclear Weapons," and of course you can and should visit your local library. Your librarian will be more than happy to steer you to dozens of books on this subject, which is truly fascinating and at times simply as mind boggling as a nuclear explosion.Another Answer: US developed atomic bomb by setting up a scientific committee to study the issue. The British research so impressed the Americans that they convinced Roosevelt to begin a program to build an atomic bomb. The American program to build an atomic bomb was code-named the Manhattan Project. The project's first breakthrough came in 1942, when Szilard and Enrico Fermi, another physicist, built the world's first nuclear reactor at the University of Chicago. Groves organized a team of engineers and scientists to build an atomic bomb at a secret laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico.

How can you stop an unexploded bomb from exploding World War 2?

I cant and neither can you. The authorties take care of that.

Related questions

Who advised Truman not to use the atomic bomb?

As many of you may know, some people were totally with the bomb, some agaimst, and some people couldn't care less. The main thing is, name many people advised Truman to use the atomic bomb, and many also advised against it. There wasn't one individual who advised against the bomb, it was a whole group of individuals.

How did Stalin react when the US did not inform the Soviet Union about the atomic bomb?

He didn't care what the US officially informed the USSR about or not, he had spies that provided all the information about the atomic bomb he needed.

How did the atomic bomb affect people and the culture?

With two adversaries now armed with the same weapon; warfare had to be fought WITH LIMITATIONS; the Korean & Vietnam Wars. Conventional weapons only; no nukes.

Why should people care about hydrogen bomb?

People should care about hydrogen bombs because they have immense destructive power, capable of causing widespread devastation and loss of life on a massive scale. The use of hydrogen bombs could have catastrophic consequences for humanity and the environment. It is crucial to prevent the spread and use of these weapons to maintain global peace and security.

Was Truman right to drop the atomic bomb?

Opinions on this issue vary widely. Some argue that dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki hastened the end of World War II, saving lives that would have been lost in a prolonged conflict. Others believe that the use of such a devastating weapon was morally questionable and that alternative options should have been pursued. Ultimately, whether Truman was right or not is subjective and depends on one's perspective on the ethical and strategic considerations involved.

Why did we drop the 2nd bomb on japan?

The dropping of the two bombs on Japan and the killing of several hundred thousand innocent civilians was an American advertising effort to frighten the Russians who were seen to be a future threat. Japan at the time was ready to surrender. The messages to Russias were:We have atomic bombsWe have lots of atomic bombs. Not Just one.We don't care who we kill in using them! Watch out! Don't cross us!

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Grammar. The question should be 'What do young people care about?'. Do, not does, I think you'll find.

Could the atomic bomb have been stoped?

If you mean the one that was dropped on Japan, Yes. Japan surrendered an hour before it was dropped but the message arrived too late. Would you care to cite a source or provide any documentation to support your statement that Japan had surrendered before the second atomic strike?

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it should be controlled by all the people in the world

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they are good people that care alot. you should care too!

Why should you care for the people in need?

Because if you were to be in need you would want people to care for you. Do unto others as you would like others to do for you.

Would the war lasted longer if the Americans didn't drop the bomb on Hiroshima?

The answer is yes. The United States was pondering a coastal invasion of Japan, which at the time was a heavily fortified army base. The Japanese government did not care about its people and was ready to fight the invading Americans to the death. The projected deaths of American soldiers for this invasion was close to a million. to put that into perspective, about 400,000 Americans ended up dieing in the war all together. The two atomic bombs dropped were used to send a message to japan that the US had the weapons and was not afraid to use them. They killed approximately 300,000 Japanese citizens and right after they were dropped, japan surrendered and the war was over. Many people believe that decision by Harry Truman to drop the bomb actually saved lives. The war would have lasted much longer and would have been much bloodier if the atomic bomb was not used.