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invasion day

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Q: Why should Australia day be called invasion day?
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Should Australia Day be know as 'Invasion Day'?

Answer #1It could very well be called that, since in all sense it was an invasion, rather then a discovery of Australia (as the indiginous Aboriginals were already living there). However this would most likely open up old wounds among both Australians and Aboriginals. So it could be called Invasion Day, but probably shouldn't.Answer #2That question presupposes that Australia Day will always be held on January 26th. January 26th should revert to its original title, 'Anniversary Day,' but with the added title of 'Anniversary and Reconciliation Day.'Australia's first day as a nation began on January 1st, 1901.Thus, Australia Day should be celebrated on January 1st and January 26th should be officially known as 'Anniversary and Reconciliation Day.'

Who doesn't celebrate Australia day?

Most Aboriginals don't celebrate Australia Day because they see it as a day of invasion and prefer not to celebrate it.

What does Australia day mean to the aboriginal people?

Australia Day represents "Invasion Day" for the indigenous people of Australia. For them, it represents the day white man invaded their peaceful way of life and set about to destroy their culture, albeit unwittingly at first. For the Aborigines "Australia Day" means the loss of their connection to the land, their spirituality and everything that was important to them.

What is Labor Day called in Australia?

Labor Day in Australia is called Labour Day.

The US invasion of normady was called?

It was called D-Day

Australia day its good to Aboriginal people?

Many Aboriginal people in Australia see Australia day as the day when their lives were turned upside down by the invasion of the English and the introduction of European diseased that decimated their tribes and family's.

What is Labor Day in Australia?

Labor Day in Australia is called Labour Day.

What operational name of the D-Day invasion?

The invasion of Europe was operationally called Operation Overlord. (D-Day is the beginning day of all battles)

What does Australia day mean to the aboriginals?

Australia Day represents "Invasion Day" for the indigenous people of Australia. For them, it represents the day white man invaded their peaceful way of life and set about to destroy their culture, albeit unwittingly at first. For the Aborigines "Australia Day" means the loss of their connection to the land, their spirituality and everything that was important to them.

What was the allied invasion of western Europe called?


Should Australia day be banned?

No It should not.

What was the name of the allied invasion in France?

the main invasion was called Operation "Overlord", the main invasion was the D- day landings which took place at Normandy.