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The official reason was that the senators who assassinated Caesar, wanted to restore the Republic and democracy. There were suspicions, probably justified, that Caesar was trying to become a king. This was anathema to the Republican culture. The republic was established in 509 BC with the overthrow of the last king of Rome who was a tyrant. The Romans decided to do away with the monarchy so as not to leave power in the hand of a sole man, thus preventing the return of tyranny. They also swore that they would not allow anyone to become a king ever again. Trying to become a king had been the worst allegation against anyone. In the 5th century AD a man was killed because he was accused of trying to become a king and in the 4th century BC another man was sentenced to death for the same reason.

If Julius Caesar was aiming at becoming a king (there were strong indications which he may well have being trying to do this) he might have succeeded because of his enormous popularity. To traditional republicans this would have meant the end of the Republic, which was unacceptable to them.

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