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Q: Why occupations did Greeks have?
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What were the Greeks occupations and skills they brought Texas?

they brought farming

What were Gandhi's occupations?

is occupations were to give India freedom.

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main occupations of adivasis

When was Museum of Occupations created?

Museum of Occupations was created in 2003.

What are China's occupations?

China's occupations are not much different than occupations in the US. For example, teachers, doctors, nurses, retail jobs, and other occupations are needed in China just as they are needed in the US.

What are three occupations?

Occupations are typically what people do to earn money. Three occupations are doctor, plumber, and mechanic. Other examples of occupations are pilot, firefighter, janitor, and receptionist.

What were the occupations of Saint Lucy's parents?

There is no record of the occupations of Lucy's parents.

What are the occupations of the amish?

Farming and blacksmithing are two occupations of the Amish people.

What are the Egyptians Major occupations?

Their major occupations is to: fish; and protect their country.

What is primary occupation examples?

The term primary occupation refers to a field job that involves taking raw material from the environment. There are nine primary occupational categories: 1. Professional, Technical, and Managerial Occupations 2. Clerical and Sales Occupations 3. Service Occupations 4. Agricultural, Fishery, Forestry, and Related Occupations 5. Processing Occupations 6. Machine Trades Occupations 7. Benchwork Occupations 8. Structural Work Occupations 9. Miscellaneous Occupations