

Why not go to war?

Updated: 12/1/2022
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Q: Why not go to war?
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How do you go to war on AQWorlds?

When there IS a war(which is not very often), go to battleon. There will be a button that says WAR. It will take you to war.

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Yes they did go into war. They went into war with the greece and the rome.

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No one made slaves go in to war. Slaves chose whether to go in war or not.

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States do not go to war. Countries go to war because they do not agree on things.

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yes they did go to war

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did who go to war? I don't understand.You have to say their name or we can't answer it.

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he did not go to war but he went to the french navy

When was Let's Go to War created?

Let's Go to War was created in 2008.

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yes she did go to war

What did Australian men have to go to war?

30% went to war so dont go to war and stay in school