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Q: Why might workers have been reluctant to hold a strike in the early years of the factory system?
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How did factory workers show their dislike of the factory system?

Most of them went on strikes/sit down strikes

What was the dominant form of industrial organization by the end of the nineteenth century?

The factory system, as much of the lower-middle class were employed as factory workers, the factory system was a major source of income from the imports and exports of factory-made products that said factory workers produced. Many large factories had small towns built along with them, enabling for workers to live and work full-time paying for their rent and food. The oil and steel industries... and the American Federation of Labor.

Which was the primary cause of the homestead strike of 1892?

Primary cause of the strike were the technological improved system of material handling installed by the Carnegie Steel Company in 1886. That led to speed up the process of toolmaking by means of overhead cranes, charging machines, hoists and buggies, which allowed larger quantities of the products were being produced. Carnegie Steel was therefore managing to expand the factories and hire more and more labor force mainly formed of less skilled workers. That way of hiring was not accepted by the more skilled senior workers, who reacted with a strike aimed to protect their professional and seniority position.

What were differences between the domestic system and the factory system?

The factory system produced better quality cloth and around 10 times faster than the domestic system

The English industry replaced the putting out system with which system?

The putting-out system was replaced with the factory-system.

Related questions

Which system brings workers and machines together under one roof to manufacturde goods?

The system is called the factory system.

The system that brings workers and machines together under one roof to manufacture good is the?

factory system

What is the method of manufacturing that entails bringing workers and machines into a central workplace is known as?

Factory system

How did factory workers show their dislike of the factory system?

Most of them went on strikes/sit down strikes

What is a system that brought workers and machines together in one place to produce goods?

factory system

Which system brings workers and machines together under on roof to manufacture goods?

factory system

Which system brings workers and machines under one roof to manufacture goods?

factory system

What economic reality for workers was most closely associated with the development of the factory system?

Reduced need for skilled workers.

The brought textile workers and an machinery together in the same location?

factory system.

What is the system factory?

The system of industrial production carried on in establishments where workers and machines are assembled to manufacture goods.

The system brought workers and machines together in one place to produce goods?


What was the dominant form of industrial organization by the end of the nineteenth century?

The factory system, as much of the lower-middle class were employed as factory workers, the factory system was a major source of income from the imports and exports of factory-made products that said factory workers produced. Many large factories had small towns built along with them, enabling for workers to live and work full-time paying for their rent and food. The oil and steel industries... and the American Federation of Labor.