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Q: Why might the promises of the Bolsheviks have been appealing to the Russian people?
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What was a major reason many Russian people supported the Bolsheviks in the November 1917 revolution?

the Bolsheviks called for an immeadiate peace settlement with Germany

What slogan did the Bolsheviks promise the Russian people to gain support?

"Peace, Bread, and Land"

What 3 things did Lenin and the Bolsheviks promise Russian people?

Peace, Bread and Land

A supporter of the Bolsheviks would most likely disagree with which statement[APEX]?

The people should support the provisional governments efforts to reform Russian politics.

Who opposed the tsar?

(1) The Kadets(2) The Social Revolutionaries(3) The Russian Social Democratic Labor Porty (Mensheviks and Bolsheviks).

Without Lenin's April thesis there would be no Bolshevik revolution?

The Russian people were on the verge of a revolution and just needed a little push. With enough time, the Russian people would have stood up and overthrown the government anyway. Whether or not the Bolsheviks would been the ones to lead the revolution is left to a guess. With that said, it cannot be overlooked that the March revolution had already happened. The Bolsheviks undermined the democratically inclined Provisional government. The Bolsheviks were interested in power not justice as history would soon demonstrate.

When was Memorial to the People Killed by Bolsheviks created?

Memorial to the People Killed by Bolsheviks was created in 2009.

What was a goal of the Marshall Plan?

To help rebuild Europe, and ultimately to make Communism less appealing. People in a country that is poor and struggling are more likely go give into the promises of Communism. This was a part of the "Containment" policy.

Were the Bolsheviks for communism?

No, the Bolshevik Revolution ended in socialism and a poor version of it as well. Communism as Karl Marx saw it could not be imposed on any country, but socialism could. The Russian government was socialist that was run by people who called themselves Communist.

Who financed the Russian revolution in 1917?

Lenin and the Bolsheviks were financed in many ways. Some were by contributions from supporters, bank robberies (mainly by Stalin and called "expropriations") and the German government.

How did Lenin become leader of the Bolsheviks?

vladimir linen became the leader of the Bolsheviks by spending most of his decade in western Europe where he emerged as a prominent figure in the international revolutionary movement and became the leader of the bolshevik faction of the Russian social democratic workers party.