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Q: Why might the USSR want to control the dardenelles?
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Why were the country US Britain France USSR chosen to control Germany during World War 2?

Germany was controlled by Germany during the war after Germany surrendered the allies which were US Britian USSR and France divided control of the country at the Potsdam Conference Aug. 1945 You might say that Germany was the spoils of war, "To the victors go the spoils". But there were no leaders there to take control the country was broke the industries had been bombed out someone had to take control and the US did not want Russia to have all of Germany, Russia did not want Britian to have complete control, US and Britian did not want France to have control Germany had too much resources to let just one country have it all so they divided it up.

Why was the atomic bomb secret?

We did not want Germany, Japan, Italy, or the USSR to know we were working on it.

How did the USSR help the US to beat Japan?

They didn't. By the time the USSR finished fighting Germany (by themselves because Churchill and FDR didn't want to help), the US had been fighting Japan for a while. The USSR did declare war on Japan after the Germans surrendered. Before the USSR could do anything, the US dropped it's two atomic bombs. The Japanese were rumored to have started peace negotiations with the USSR agreeing to act as the liason after the Little Boy bombing, but the Fat Man prevented it. Many say the US bombed Japan because they didn't want the USSR sweeping in as the hero.

What caused the first disagreement between the US and the USSR after Germany surrendered?

The threat of nuclear bombs and the fact that both of them didn't trust eachother and were constantly suspicious of eachother and also scared of eachother (because of the threat of nuclear war)

What happened when the Russia did not want to be communist?

In 1990, a referendum was held in all of the 16 republics of the USSR, and all 16 of them voted to secede from the USSR, even Russia itself. So it was done, as the vote mandated, and then Russia became the more-or-less democratic nation that it is today, in which the communist party is no longer in control, but corruption remains very severe, and Vladimir Putin exerts a quasi-dictatorial power.

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Why were the country US Britain France USSR chosen to control Germany during World War 2?

Germany was controlled by Germany during the war after Germany surrendered the allies which were US Britian USSR and France divided control of the country at the Potsdam Conference Aug. 1945 You might say that Germany was the spoils of war, "To the victors go the spoils". But there were no leaders there to take control the country was broke the industries had been bombed out someone had to take control and the US did not want Russia to have all of Germany, Russia did not want Britian to have complete control, US and Britian did not want France to have control Germany had too much resources to let just one country have it all so they divided it up.

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