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The Declaration of Human Rights was created by The United Nations. Yet some members of the UN are mass murderers, torturers, rapist, thieves and oppressors. These members do not practice what they preach.

Governments have no desire to have educated populace as it is too hard to control them. Indoctrination replaces education.

The normal state of man has been oppression. (search Democide) It is human nature. Some want riches, power and control. These people migrate to positions of power and create laws to benefit themselves. This is why an American Senator can use insider trading to gain advantage over the average investor and not go to jail. (Compare Diane Feinstein to Martha Stewart).

People are kept poor so they spend their time trying to make ends meet and do not have time to follow government activities. The media want access to government so they become mouth pieces.

It takes education, understanding and involvement to keep a government honest and people are easily manipulated into doing the bidding of corrupt politicians. This is why the tendency is toward tyranny.

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Harvey Schowalter

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2y ago
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Q: Why might some people consider the declaration of human rights idealist?
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