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Q: Why might merchants and manufactures support a strong centeral government?
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Why merchants and manufactures support a strong central government?

Because they were rich

Why might merchants and manufacturer support a strong and central government?

Because they were rich

What did Alexander Hamilton believed that the US needed?

A stronger central government with the power to actively support merchants. He also wanted the US to respect the debts it had incurred.

What were the federalist demographic support?

The cities in the North. Merchants, businessmen, and industrialists.

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Who did the federalist represent?

They were large land owners, wealthy merchants, and professionals who were in support of the Constitution.

Why did large landowers and merchants support the constitution?

They wanted there property protected and a strong central goverment.

Why does the government support entrepreneurs?

The government support entrepreneurs because they are valuable to the economy.

What government policy did Physiocrats support?

the government policy they support was natural laws.

What is the main idea and significance of the report on manufactures?

The "Report on Manufactures" was a proposal by Alexander Hamilton to promote industrialization and economic diversification in the United States. Its main idea was that a strong manufacturing sector was essential for national security and economic growth. The significance of the report lies in its impact on shaping American economic policy, leading to the establishment of protective tariffs and government support for industry.

What kind of government woukd an anarchist support?

An anarchist would not support any government.

What kinda of government would an anarchist support?

An anarchist would support no form of government. An anarchist believes government is not necessary.