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maybe at that time they where best knoledged to the compass so they had the best transportation route.

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Stanford Dibbert

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Q: Why might knowledge of the compass have allowed the Chinese to be the world's greatest sea power of time?
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Why might knowledge of the compass have allowed the Chinese to be the world's greatest sea power at one time?

It's because the though

Which Chinese inventions has had a greater effect on the world history magnetic compass or gunpowder?

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APEX: The invention of the compass allowed for new maritime trade routes.

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NO....... Chinese did. No European country invented printing press, paper, magnetic compass, gunpowder, etc... before the Chinese did. Chinese were the greatest inventors of all time.

How is the Chinese compass different to the one right now?

The Chinese compass, also known as the magnetic compass, was invented in ancient China and used the Earth's magnetic field to determine direction. Modern compasses also use the Earth's magnetic field but have been refined with more accurate measurements and designs for precise navigation. Additionally, modern compasses often come with additional features like digital displays and GPS integration.

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Which Chinese inventor invented the compass?

The compass was invented by the Chinese during the Han Dynasty. Its invention is credited to the ancient Chinese Han Dynasty scholar and inventor, Zhu Yu, in the 4th century AD.

What was China's Greatest Contribution To Geography?

One of China's greatest contributions to geography was the invention of the compass during the Song dynasty. This invention revolutionized navigation and played a significant role in shaping the way people understood and mapped the world. The compass made it possible for sailors and explorers to accurately determine direction, leading to increased knowledge and exploration of the Earth's geography.