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Q: Why might it have been good idea to treat Germany more leniently when drawing up the peace treaty?
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How was the Treaty of Versailles meant to work?

The Treaty of Versailles meant Germany was to give up colonies, land, and repay for the war as well as cut their military might. The League of Nations was supposed to ensure this but without the backing of the Unites States the League of nations was too weak to do anything.

In which way did the Treaty of Versailles create conditions that led to a future war?

The Treaty of Versailles caused World War II. This treaty took away Germany's land, money, livestock, and natural resources, which forced their trading and population to decline. It also set limitations on Germany's army, forcing them to have a much smaller army. This led to the rising of Adolf Hitler and the German Nazis, who eventually started World War II.

What did theTreaty of Versailles do?

Austria (and Hungary) had their own treaties at the end of WW1. In thee case of Austria it was the Treaty of St Germain, signed in Septmeber 1919. To a large extent the treaty confirmed that the empire had broken up. One of the more important provisions was the Austria had to agree NOT to unite with Germany or even form a customs union with Austria. In two of the provinces (states) bordering on Germany (Salzburg and the Tyrol) local plebiscites had already voted in favour of union with Germany.

Did World War II began with events in Germany?

Invading Poland and then the Brits got angry so they went in war with Germany Did you know that Hitler killed himself as the war was not going as planned im 10 by the way i might get some thing wrong

How did the Treaty of Versailles lead to World War 2?

The punitive nature of the treaty caused great resentment in Germany and gave them an excuse to launch the second war. The League was utterly unable to prevent the second war. Michael Montagne The effect of the League of Nations is: It led to the formation of the UNO.

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This is a puzzling question, and I'm left guessing what you mean. When and how might America have had the opportunity or desire to 'choose Germany's fate'? Are you, perhaps, thinking of the Treaty of Versailles (1919)?

What are the aims of the leader of Britain at Versailles?

The Great Britain-Lloyd George wanted to make Germany pay and requests Germany had to be stopped from invading again. But he also worried that too harsh a treaty might cause more hostility in future.

The Treaty of Versailles will ultimately cause what?

this is a very good question for anyone who is asking .... in my opinion the treaty might cause world peace .... or another war...when the treaty was signed in 1919 28th of June there was a war guilt clause... this clause was basically made so that they could blame the war on someone. in this case that someone was Germany. i think that this clause, if used on another country might in fact start a war not prevent one.

How was the Treaty of Versailles meant to work?

The Treaty of Versailles meant Germany was to give up colonies, land, and repay for the war as well as cut their military might. The League of Nations was supposed to ensure this but without the backing of the Unites States the League of nations was too weak to do anything.

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it's no use for you because when you grow up you might not need good drawing to get a job

In which way did the Treaty of Versailles create conditions that led to a future war?

The Treaty of Versailles caused World War II. This treaty took away Germany's land, money, livestock, and natural resources, which forced their trading and population to decline. It also set limitations on Germany's army, forcing them to have a much smaller army. This led to the rising of Adolf Hitler and the German Nazis, who eventually started World War II.

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To draw Batman images by hand, one might have a copy of the desired image at hand to reference while drawing. To improve one's drawing skills, one might practice drawing everyday objects as they see them or take a class that focuses on drawing.

Did the Treaty of Versailles bring peace to Europe?

The Treaty of Versailles did NOT bring peace to Europeafter 1919 (although it might be claimed that its terms were never carried out). It certainly helped the rise of Adolf Hitler to power in Germany, and many historians believe that it was one of the crucial causes of World War II.

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it's no use for you because when you grow up you might not need good drawing to get a job

What did theTreaty of Versailles do?

Austria (and Hungary) had their own treaties at the end of WW1. In thee case of Austria it was the Treaty of St Germain, signed in Septmeber 1919. To a large extent the treaty confirmed that the empire had broken up. One of the more important provisions was the Austria had to agree NOT to unite with Germany or even form a customs union with Austria. In two of the provinces (states) bordering on Germany (Salzburg and the Tyrol) local plebiscites had already voted in favour of union with Germany.

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A drawing of dad might be nice, or something which you know dad likes.