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Legend states that vats of poison are set to overturn

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Q: Why might an archaeologist want to use caution upon excavating Shi Huangdi's tomb?
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What do you call a person who studies ancient weapons?

A person who studies ancient weapons might be a military historian, or might be an archaeologist. There is more than one reason to study ancient weapons.

Why might historians differ in their views of Shi Huangdis success as a ruler?

Because Shi Huangdi burned books, forced nobles to move away, and forced commoners to work on government projects. Therefore, historians must have thought that Shi Huangdi wasn't a great and fair ruler for doing that. If I am wrong, sorry. That's the best I can do, hope I helped.

Why is King Tutankhamun is remembered?

Because he reopened the temples that akhenaten, his father, ruined. Also, people pitied him because he was a cripple, he had malaria, he had a clubbed foot, and he had a cleft lip.

Why are Horses so crazy sometimes?

horses are crazy sometimes because you might not be feeding them the right food or they might be in pain or they could be or getting sick. or you might need to train your horse. or something might be irritating it. or it might be hyper!

What is the High German name for a nobelman or knight's warning or ultimatium?

There are several words for a nobleman. You can use: adalboro (adal - noble, baro - man), adalingus, ediling (edili-noble), edilman (man - man). A knight is a: rītāri Didnt find warning in my dictionary, but caution is: giwarida or karagheit. However, how to put those into knight's warning, I dont know. And I didnt find ultimatum in my dictionary either I'm afraid. It might be a too modern word, however I'm not sure. Hope it helps!

Related questions

Why become an archaeologist?

You might become an archaeologist because you are interested in studying the past or because you love dinosaurs. You might also become an archaeologist to travel the world, to study civilizations, or to become famous.

What might an archaeologist find that would be evidence of a golden age?

beautiful sculptures

Why might German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann have added the mustache to the Mask of Agamemnon?

To make it appear more heroic

Why might an archaeologist in ancient ruins sift dirt through a screen?

So they can find objects that is smaller or no longer large.

Where can I find a backhoe for sale in Spokane, Washington?

If you are in Spokane and need a backhoe you might want to try Bare Backhoe and Excavating Inc.They have a good reputation as well as a wide selection of equipment.

What might an archaeologist do if she or he found the fossilized remains of some giant animal while searching for an ancient civilization?

The responsibility of an archaeologist during any archeological dig is to recover historical remains; whether they be fossil, cultural, or other. The archaeologist would first safely remove the animal remains, reevaluate the situation, then choose to continue his original search or change his search parameters.

What do you call a person who studies ancient weapons?

A person who studies ancient weapons might be a military historian, or might be an archaeologist. There is more than one reason to study ancient weapons.

Why do archaeologist like their job?

they like there job because they get to dig and explore the past. they also write books about what they find out and they might like writing?

Why do you have to study the roman empire?

because you need to know the history of the world and you might grow up to be an archaeologist in which case you need to know that stuff

What do you think an archaeologist might procrastinate about and why?

Please stop asking this question, as you are cheating on your spelling test questions. Thanks, NH Mrs.Holland's class

What do you think an archaeologist might procrastinate and why?

Please stop asking this question, as you are cheating on your spelling test questions. Thanks, NH Mrs.Holland's class

Can you make a sentence with the word rupture?

If you are not more careful with that balloon, it might rupture so use caution.