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When Rome fell in 410 AD it thrust Europe into chaos. No government existed, no services, people couldn't read or write, and it was a time of pure survival. This is why it is called the "Dark Ages". A time of "darkness" and loss of civilization for a 1000 years.

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It's called the Dark Ages because we know little about it and that's because there is little amount of stuff found in dig sites from that time! :)

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What historical period came after the fall of the roman empire?

After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

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What do they call the period of history between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the modern world?

This period is called the Middle Ages, a period of little scholastic advancement in Europe that leads to its other name, the Dark Ages.

What is a more appropriate historical title for the medieval time period AD 500 to 1500 the Middle Ages or the Dark Ages?

The Middle Ages. "Dark Ages" was invented by people living in the later Renaissance period, because they thought that living in a time without the benefit of the knowledge and full appreciation of the art and philosophiy of ancient Rome an Greece meant that you were 'living in the dark'. In reality, there was nothing 'dark' about the middle ages. It was a period full of development and discovery. "Middle" Ages simply indicates that this was the period between Antiquity and Renaissance.

Was the dark ages a good period or a bad period in the history of ancient Greece?

Ancient Greece had been long before the Dark Ages, so the answer to your question is neither. Sometimes the period between the end of the Trojan War and the beginning of the Classical Period is referred to as the Greek Dark Age.

What is the time period called which begins with the fall and ends with the reformation?

The Dark Ages or the Middle Ages

When did dark age occur?

The Dark Ages occurred from 614 to 911. It is also most known as the Early Middles Ages or the Medieval Period.

When and why did the dark age occur in ancient grecce?

There were two times called Dark Ages associated with Greece. The first was the Greek Dark Ages, which lasted from 1200 to 800 BC. The other was a period in the Early Middle Ages lasting from about 630 to 800 AD. This is a time in the Early Middle Ages, or Dark Ages, that is sometimes referred to as the Byzantine Dark Ages.