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Q: Why is theatre often considered a social event?
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What event is often considered to be the starting point of the great depression?

(apex) black tuesday

How a society treats women is often a good indicator of its level of sophisticationexplain?

Karl Marx: "Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex."

Why is Tiberius Gracchus important to the study of the Roman Empire?

Tiberius Gracchus(and his brother Gaius ten year later) led a struggle to address the plight of the poor. The Gracchi brothers were seen by some modern socialist to have been the first socialists in history. Tiberius Graccus tried implement a land reform that would redistribute land form the large landed estates of the patricians to address the economic plight of the poor. Peasants were being pushed off their farms by rich landowners who expanded their estates using slave labour. They migrated to Rome and lived in abject poverty due to a scarcity of work. They often had to rely on hand-outs by the by the rich by becoming their clients. The brothers tried to address this poverty by redistributing land to the displaced peasants. Tiberius was elected plebeian tribune in 133 BC. He pressed for a land reform by using an old law that limited the amount of land that could be owned any individual. He used another law to establish a commission to oversee the redistribution of land which was made up of himself, his brother Gaius and his father-in-law. The senators, even the liberal ones opposed this as were worried that their lands would be confiscated. They got other tribunes to oppose the reforms. Tiberius then appealed to the people. The senators threatened to prosecute Tiberius after the end of his term. Thus Tiberius stood for re-election. The senators obstructed this. Then several of them attacked him with the help of hired thugs. Tiberius and some 300 of his supporters clubbed to death.

What event was plotted for the November 1605?

There was a plot to blow up the British Houses of Parliament, often referred to as the Gun Powder Plot.

Because social programs transfer wealth from those who have it to those who do not via the governmentwhat are they often called?

transfer payments

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What is theatre for social change?

Theatre for social change is a form of performance that aims to raise awareness, provoke dialogue, and inspire action on social issues. It often involves using the power of storytelling, emotions, and engagement to address topics such as inequality, injustice, and discrimination, with the goal of promoting positive change in society.

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Herbert Spencer is often considered the father of social Darwinism. He applied Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to society, arguing that social progress resulted from the natural selection of the fittest individuals and the survival of the strongest.

Which is considered to be the king of the social sciences?

Sociology is often considered the "king" of the social sciences because it studies society in its entirety, focusing on social structures, institutions, and human behavior in groups. Sociology provides insights into how societies function and evolve, influencing other social sciences like political science and economics.

Why was the church against people going to the theatre in Shakespeare's time?

The theatre during Shakespeare's time was considered to be highly unmoral. It was believed that attending a performance at a theatre would keep people from attending church. Theatres were not quiets places like they are today. Many members of the audience would jeer the performers and crime was often an issue.

What is an adult matinee?

this may not be right but this is what i found out a matinee is an entertainment esp. a dramatic or musical performance, held in the daytime, usually in the afternoon. if that's not right sorry....

How can climate change be considered as social?

Climate change can be considered social because it disproportionately affects vulnerable communities and exacerbates existing social inequalities. Its impacts, such as extreme weather events and food insecurity, often hit marginalized groups the hardest. Addressing climate change requires understanding and addressing social barriers to adaptation and mitigation efforts.

Is Shakespeares theatre the globe theatre?

It's most often associated with him, yes. But he was not the sole owner or even the largest shareholder. It was not the only theatre he had a share in. It was far from the only theatre he acted in. He had nothing to do with its construction.

Who was the first female sociologist?

Harriet Martineau is often considered the first female sociologist. She was a prominent 19th-century British social theorist known for her writings on social issues and her contributions to the field of sociology.

How did dario fo rebel against traditonal theatre?

Dario Fo rebelled against traditional theatre by incorporating elements of political satire, improvisation, and audience interaction in his performances. He often used his platform to challenge social and political injustices, making his works controversial and unconventional compared to the mainstream theatre of his time.

What kinds of people visited the Globe Theatre in Shakespeare's day?

The Queen often visited the theatre and only those who paid money to get in.

What is the describing of the complementary event and find its probability?

Suppose there is an event A and the probability of A happening is Pr(A). Then the complementary event is that A does not happen or that "not-A" happens: this is often denoted by A'.Then Pr(A') = 1 - Pr(A).Suppose there is an event A and the probability of A happening is Pr(A). Then the complementary event is that A does not happen or that "not-A" happens: this is often denoted by A'.Then Pr(A') = 1 - Pr(A).Suppose there is an event A and the probability of A happening is Pr(A). Then the complementary event is that A does not happen or that "not-A" happens: this is often denoted by A'.Then Pr(A') = 1 - Pr(A).Suppose there is an event A and the probability of A happening is Pr(A). Then the complementary event is that A does not happen or that "not-A" happens: this is often denoted by A'.Then Pr(A') = 1 - Pr(A).

When is an event a disaster?

An event is considered a disaster when it causes significant damage or disruption to a community, resulting in the need for external assistance for recovery. This could include loss of life, widespread property damage, and severe economic impact. The scale and severity of the event often dictates whether it is classified as a disaster.