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Q: Why is the time period from 1100 BC to 750 BC known as the dark ages?
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What time period was the dark ages?

It was 1100-750 b.c.

What historical period came after the fall of the roman empire?

After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.After the western Roman empire fell, the period in Europe is known as the Dark Ages.

Is the Dark Ages from 600 CE to 1100 CE?

The Dark Ages is the early part of the Middle Ages, the period in Europe from the fall of Rome in 476 A.D. to the restoration of relative political stability around the year 1000.

Why was the period of time following the defeat of the Mycenaeans called the dark age?

trade and communication stops

When did dark age occur?

The Dark Ages occurred from 614 to 911. It is also most known as the Early Middles Ages or the Medieval Period.

Is it true or false that from 1100-750 bc the Greeks went through a difficult period of time called the Dark Age?

The period from 1100 to 750 BC in Greece is called the Greek Dark Ages, but since there were other periods in other places also called Dark Ages, it is a good idea to be careful about how the name is used. It is probably best not to use the term "the Dark Ages" to apply to the Greek Dark Ages, because most people who use the term without qualification mean Western Europe during the period of 476 to 1000 AD. It is also a term that has fallen out of use among historians.

The period during the Middle Ages when Europeans struggled to achieve the prosperous lifestyle of the Roman Empire is known as the?

Dark ages

Beginning of Middle Ages is the end of what?

The end of the Roman empire up to the Norman invasion of England in 1066 is the period known as the Dark Ages. The end of the Dark Ages is often counted as the beginning of the Middle Ages in British History.

Why was the period from 1200 to 700 bc known as the greek dark age?

The Archaic period is also referred to as the dark ages because we have little to no written record of that time period. The following Classical period is when Greece peaked artistically and intellectually.

What was Thessaly called in the dark ages?

Thessaly was known as Hellas in the Medieval period when it was ruled by the Byzantine Empire. Historian do not like to refer to it as the dark ages, because it implies the whole world was in turmoil.

What was the period of art and learning that began in the 1300s?

dark ages The Rennaisance is what you are talking about, as the dark ages was around 800-1000. == ==

What was the age known before the dark ages?

the age before the dark ages is the high middle ages