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Because we want to know about us , as well as in the world everything : past - present.

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Q: Why is the television needed?
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How did the violent response to the freedom rides and the Birmingham marches aid the civil rights movement?

because it showed people that american society needed to change, more specifically it showed the house wife that stayed home and watched this happen on tv.

Did defense secretary McNamara and General Westmoreland advise president Johnson to do to win the war in Vietnam?

General Westmoreland was seen on television news saying, "...I'll need another 100,000 men and we'll be able to wrap this thing up..." Defense Secretary McNamara and General Westmoreland advised President Johnson that more men and military aid was needed in Vietnam.

What did people use to watch or hear the baseball games when there were no TVs?

When there were no televisions, people either went to the games or listened to them on the radio. There was no other way to watch the games than to be there. There were photographs in newspapers, however. The radios in those days were monsters in terms of size. They used vacuum tubes since transistors were not invented yet, and they used expensive banks of batteries to get the voltages needed for the tubes. Newer tube radios were able to use line voltage. Then as transistors came along, the size of radios began to dramatically decline and even become portable.

Why did the Athens need to trade with other city-states and colonies and why what products did they trade?

With limited agricultural land and a growing population (no TV to watch at night) Athens had to turn to trade and war to support its population. It exported minerals, manufactured goods, artwork, slaves,

What was the last item shown on British TV before World War 2?

Television and broadcast stations did not exist prior to WW2. TV became popular in the 1950s.This is incorrect, the last broadcast before world war 2 was actually a Mickey Mouse cartoon.the below was found on wikipedia, I know this is correct because it shows the cartoon at the National Media Museum in Bradford, UK. At least it did when I last visited..September 1 -- The anticipated beginning of World War II brings television broadcasting at the BBC to an end at 12:35 p.m. after the broadcast of a Mickey Mouse cartoon, Mickey's Gala Premier, various sound and vision test signals, and announcements by presenter Fay Cavendish. It was feared that the VHFwaves of television would act as a good homing signal for guiding enemy bombers to central London: in any case, the engineers of the television service would be needed for the war effort, particularly for development of RADAR. The BBC would resume its broadcasting, with the same Mickey Mouse cartoon, after the war during 1946.

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What is needed to get cheap tv programming?

a chocolate bar is needed to put inside it Also a rimbo disc is needed

Which format is needed to play videos in tv?

what kind of format for a video is needed to play on tv, inthe uk

Why is TV needed?

TV is not needed. It's one of those inventions that is incredible from a technological point of view, but not actually of great benefit to society.

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Is Electrical protection needed for LCD Televisions?

Its not needed for the TV to operate but it will protect the TV from power surges. Id recommend getting a surge protector. There relatively cheap compared to the TV itself anyway.

What is electricity needed for?

For stuff like radios and television

Do you still need a HD antenna on your TV if it has ATSC built in to it?

To receive Broadcast Television Signals of NTSC Analog or ATSC Digital a television antenna is needed. If the TV has ATSC built in , then a converter box will not be needed.

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Is stabilizer needed for Sony lcd tv?

yes defeneitly

What is a satellite receiver?

A satellite TV receiver is needed in order to view satellite programming. Additionally, a satellite dish is needed in order for the receiver to decode digital signals which then allows you to watch TV.

Is this bracket the only thing I need to mount my Panasonic television or are extra things needed as well?

To mount a Panasonic Television successfully on the wall, this bracket is the only accessory needed to accomplish the task.

Did color burst signal is needed in color TV Rx?
