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Q: Why is the slave trade compromise of 1787 important?
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What was the trade slave compromise?

The slave trade compromise was an agreement during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, protecting the interests of slaveholders, that forbid Congress the power to act on the slave trade for twenty years. This meant that slaves would be mostly a state power.

When was Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade created?

The Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade was created in May 1787 by a group of British abolitionists.

What was the compromise on the slave trade?

The compromise regarding the slave trade was the Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise. This was also called the Compromise of 1850. The decisions that were made by the compromise were that Texas had to surrender the claim it had on New Mexico, California became a free state, the South allowed slavery in new territories, the Fugitive Slave Act was passed, and slavery was banned in Washington DC.

In 1787 the states that outlawed slave trade is?

Northern states such as New England and stuff

How did African slaves' change in 1787?

In 1787 the Three-Fifths Compromise was passed. This meant that each slave was only worth 3/5 of an actual person. This meant that slave-holding plantations would lose some of their political power.

How was the disagreement of northern and southern positions on outlawing slave trade resolved?

The disagreement between northern and southern positions on outlawing the slave trade was resolved through a series of compromises during the drafting of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. These compromises included the Three-Fifths Compromise and the agreement to allow the international slave trade to continue for a limited period. These compromises laid the foundation for the eventual abolition of the slave trade in 1808.

When did abolition movements begin in Boston?

1787 when a group of Quakers formed the Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.

What year did the great compromise get passed?

in the USA the Great Compromise occured in July 1787

During what year did the Connecticut Compromise take place?

"The Connecticut Compromise, otherwise know as the Great Compromise of 1787 or Sherman's Compromise, occurred on May 29, 1787."

What was the goal of the constitional convention?

THE Constitutional Convention in 1787 was to replace the Articles of Confederation with a stronger governing document.

When was the Great Compromise signed?

The Great Compromise was signed in 1787 after the propositions of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan

Where was the three fifths compromise established?

The three-fifths Compromise stating that only part of the slave population would count toward representation was one of many compromises agreed to by the delegates at the Constitutional Convention, which resulted in the creation of the United States Constitution. The Three-fifths Compromise was proposed by delegates James Wilson and Roger Sherman during the 1787 United States Constitutional Convention, held May 25 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.