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The 1st Amendment is considered personal because the rights of speech, press, and assembly are all ways that the people act as the ultimate check on the government in the Madisonian Model. these three gaurantees not only are fundamental freedoms, but also indirectly protection against tyranny.

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Q: Why is the first amendment considered personal?
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Are first amendment rights personal?

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When Pete Seeger appeared before the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities in 1955, he refused to answer the committee's questions about his personal beliefs He based his refusal on?

the First Amendment he had his fredom of speach (apex)

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A lien is considered personal property.A lien is considered personal property.A lien is considered personal property.A lien is considered personal property.

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When Pete Seeger appeared before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1955, he refused to answer the committee's questions about his personal beliefs He based his refusal on?

the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech(apex)