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Because the original people at Mexico were Aztecs and they believed that if you saw an eagle eating a snake on a cactus that is were you were meant to live the Aztecs spend alot of time searching and than found it on an island which is now Mexico city

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Q: Why is the eagle eating a snake while standing on a cactus in the national symbol of Mexico?
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How did the Aztecs decide where to settle in the valley of Mexico?

Back in the Aztec times (around 1500's and 1600's) priest's were like gods they were very important. One day one of the Aztec priest's had a vision of an eagle eating a serpent while sitting on a cactus. And one day someone saw a eagle eating a serpent on a cactus and that where they stayed!!

What does Tenochtitlan stand for?

I am not ENTIRELY sure of the whole answer, but all I know is that there is something on a Cactus, eating something else. The cactus is on a stone. There is a lot more to it, but I have looked for a bunch of information about this, and found nothing, so I hope I could be a help to you!

What does Mexico's Coat of Arms mean?

The Mexican Coat of Arms, which also appears on the Mexican national flag, illustrates the fulfillment of a prophesy describing where the Aztec people would found their first city. It shows a golden eagle perched on a cactus while devouring a rattlesnake.Before 1325 AD, the Aztec (or Mexica people, as they called themselves) were a nomadic tribe who wandered throughout the land, looking for a place to settle and build their capital. Their state religion awaited the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy: that the wandering tribe would find the destined site for a great city whose location would be signaled by an eagle eating a snake while perched atop a cactus.The Aztecs saw this vision on what was then a small swampy island in the middle of lake Texcoco, after which they founded their capital city, on March 13, 1325. Not deterred by the unfavourable terrain, they set about building their city, using the chinampa system (misnamed as "floating gardens") for agriculture and to dry and expand the island. That city was Mexico-Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City (19° 25' 57.85'' N, 99° 07' 59.71'' W).

What would a typical meal be like in Mexico?

A typical meal in mexico, would be eating nacho's. Nacho's is a food in mexico that they eat. They also eat Mexican Pumkin Soup, Mexican Bread Pudding '' Capirotada'', Atole and Champurrado and Caramel Apple Empanadas. That is just some foods that mexico eats.

Why did the Spaniards build Mexico City on top of Tenochtitlan?

To make a human sacerfices.

Related questions

What is Mexico's Coat of arms?

eagle eating snake on a cactus in some water

What sign did the Aztecs look for in Mexico?

A golden eagle eating a snake atop a cactus. This symbol is now immortalized on the Mexican coat of arms and flag.

What is the official animal of Mexico?

The national animal of Mexico is the bald eagle. This is based on the ancient Aztec leagend where the Aztec people would find the promise land if they were to find the place where an eagle landed on a nopal cactus while eating a snake. After wandering for hundreds of years, they found the eagle on a small swampy island in Lake Texcoco.

What was the captial of the Aztec empires called?

The great Tenochtitlan was the capital. The legend called it an eagle standing on top of a cactus eating a snake in the middle of a lake. The Aztecs in general were very brave fighters.

What does the cactus finch eat?

Well... I personally think that cactus finches eat cactuses because in some images on the web, if you type in cactus finches, some will have a picture of a cactus finch eating bits of a cactus.

What did the Aztecs say they would find eating the fruit of a cactus?

The Aztec Indians needed to find another place to live. They were told that they'd know where they were supposed to build their new city. They were to build where they saw an eagle eating the fruit of a cactus plant. They found what they were predicted to find, and that's where their city of Tenochtitlan [the future, modern day Mexico City] was built.

What was the sign the Spaniards saw that made them decide to build their capital on what is now Mexico City?

Note that the "sign" appeared before Aztecs, not Spaniards. That sign was the eagle perched atop a cactus eating a snake.

What does the Mexican snake mean?

The Mexican flag has a vertical tricolor of green, white, and red with the national coat of arms (The coat of arms depicts a Mexican golden eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus devouring a snake.). The Coat of Arms represents an old Mexican legend where the Aztecs where supposed to settle on a land "where an eagle landed on a prickly-pear cactus, eating a snake... " When they found a eagle on top of the cactus, they settled there and named it Tenochtitlan, where it is now present-day Mexico CityBolded -Your Direct Answer

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