Now a days, it is the movement for homosexuals to have the same rights that heterosexuals have, like marriage and child care laws.
A catchy title for would be "The movement starts today."
Helped civil rights by presenting speeches to Blacks and Whites so they get along better for the good of society. If RFK did not give his speeches and use violence then segregation would still be here today and civil rights would not.
the civil rights act has put positive effect on today citizens
1. He was a leader in the African-American civil rights movement. 2. At the 1963 March on Washington, he delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech, raising public consciousness of the civil rights movement. His life was dedicated to the advancement of civil rights of African-Americans.
No and he never has been. He worked with MLK in the civil rights movement and was with him when he was shot. He is now involved in several civil rights organizations. The Black Panthers aren't very active today and most are dead that were active in the 1960's.
Answer my question please :D
A catchy title for would be "The movement starts today."
The start of the Civil Rights Movement
As the peaceful component in the most critical stage of the civil rights movement.
Helped civil rights by presenting speeches to Blacks and Whites so they get along better for the good of society. If RFK did not give his speeches and use violence then segregation would still be here today and civil rights would not.
This depends on what civil rights movement you are talking about. The civil rights movement started in the year of 1954 and ended in the year of 1965 for the United States of America. In this there were many boycotts and Martin Luther King Jr was part of that. i think we should remember that he put his whole heart into this. -MY birthday is today
The conservative movement we know today is not the same as in the 1960's. One of the biggest right organizations was the John Burch Society. The people involved in the civil rights movement were seen as " hippies" and accused to be antisocial/ government. The southern states in congress were made up of southern democrats and republicans that were against the civil rights movement. Yet, today these people would be considered liberal to moderate politicians compared to the people elected today. Even Ronald Reagan would be a liberal in today's conservative movement.
No. The Civil Rights Movement was still going strong thought the 1960s. One could say that the movement is still going on today, since there is still plenty of inequality to fight.
No. The Civil Rights movement was still going strong thought the 1960s. One could say that the movement is still going on today, since there is still plenty of inequality to fight.
He DID have many positive effects on civil rights, but some eventually thought he promoted violence as the answer to these problems. He mostly is remembered good, but some today think he was a violent and angry,even racist to whites.
the civil rights act has put positive effect on today citizens