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"Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

The Phoenicians were a smaller group than other groups yet they came to dominate the seas. They did it through the alphabet, materials, and antiseptics!

With the alphabet, one person could write records that others could read. This was totally unlike the Egyptians where only a limited caste could read. Thus general literacy made their trading prowess possible.

The Cedar Trees of Lebanon provided the lumber for the Phoenician ships. They were impervious to ship worms. By carefully choosing the materials, for building their boats, the Phoenicians avoided the worms and rot that would affect the boats of so many other nations.

The Phoenicians also discovered that by lining their water barrels with silver, the water would not go bad. Keeping water free from bacteria and mosquitoes kept their crews much healthier that those of other nations.

When we study history, we discover when things started, why they were started, and what problems they solved. We do not need to reinvent the wheel.

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Phoenicia was a seafaring and trading nation that provided Egypt with many of its imported goods.

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