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An Irish harp appears on the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom to represent Ireland's place in the UK. The shield is quartered, with the guardant lions of England filling the first and forth quarters, the the rampant lion and double tressure flory-counterflory of Scotland in the second, and the Irish harp in the third. The Irish harp is the featured element on the coat of arms of Ireland.

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Q: Why is the Irish harp on the royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom?
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Coat of arms of the UK?

The Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom is the official coat of arms of the British monarch. An image and a description of its meaning can be seen at the Related Links.

Why is there a unicorn on the British coat of arms?

United Kingdom The Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland depicts a shield supported by a Lion on one side and a Unicorn on the other. The Lion represents England and the Unicorn represents Scotland.

What does the unicorn mean on the coat of arms?

As Lewis Carol once wrote: The Lion and the Unicorn were fighting for the crown! The unicorn represents those whom are ruled, and of course the crown, the monarchy. and in civilization, monarchies, lost out, and have been replaced by Oligarcies. oligarchy: 1. small governing group: group of people who together govern a nation or control an organization, often for their own purposes. As all government is devisive, history has proved the truth of: MATTHEW 12:25. Every Kingdom divided against itself is bought to dessolation; Every city or house divided against itself, shall not stand. On line KJV

Where was the Lee-Enfield Rifle with the serial number P5945 made?

Each arsenal left their own distinct marking on the weapons they manufactured:Enfield - Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield, United KingdomSparkbrook - Royal Small Arms Factory at Sparkbrook, United KingdomBSA, BSA Co., B, or M47C - Birmingham Small Arms Company, United Kingdom. The "B" and "M47C" markings were on No. 4 rifles, with the "M47C" markings indicating they were made at the Shirley facility.LSA Co. - London Small Arms Company, United KingdomLithgow - Lithgow Small Arms Factory, AustraliaGRI - Ishapore Small Arms Factory, pre-independence IndiaG - Ishapore Small Arms Factory, post independence IndiaROF (F) - Royal Ordinance Factory Farlakerzey, United Kingdom (No. 4 rifles)ROF (M) - Royal Ordinance Factory Maltby, United Kingdom (No. 4 rifles)Longbranch - Longbranch Arsenal, Canada (No. 4 rifles)US PROPERTY, US PROPERTY [S] - Savage Arms, United States of America. They were made for the Lend-Lease Programme (No. 4 rifles)POF - Pakistan Ordinance Factories, Pakistan (No. 4 rifles)No. 3 rifles will have the rear sight ahead of the chamber, close to the centre of the rifle, while No. 4 rifles will have the rear sight behind the action, at the rear of the receiver. Additionally, No. 4 rifles adopted a simplified spike bayonet in place of the sword bayonet used on earlier No. 3 rifles. No. 4 rifles will also have a manufacture date of 1939 or later, whereas the No. 3 rifles were manufactured from 1907, with production at most facilities ceasing in 1945, although India manufactured them until 1960, and later produced the 2A and 2A1 rifles, which were essentially SMLE No. 3 rifles, chambered ijn 7.62x51 NATO, from 1963 to 1975.

Cambodia coat of arms what does it mean and what does the writing say below?

The Royal Arms of Cambodia are a gajasingha and a rajasingha. The animals support five-tiered umbrellas that represent the king and queen. There is also a royal crown with a diamond that is shining. The words beneath the crest have the motto written in Khmer, that says "King of the Kingdom of Cambodia."

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What is the Royal Arms design?

See the link to the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom

Who manufactured the 303 British rifle?

Several companies.Royal Small Arms Factory Enfield (United Kingdom)Royal Small Arms Factory Sparkbrook (United Kingdom)Birmingham Small Arms Company (United Kingdom)London Small Arms Company (United Kingdom)Royal Ordnance Factory Fazakerley (United Kingdom)Royal Ordnance Factory Maltby (United Kingdom)Lithgow Small Arms Factory (Australia)Longbranch Arsenal (Canada)Ishapore Rifle Factory (India)Pakistan Ordnance Factories (Pakistan)Savage Arms (United States of America)

Coat of arms of the UK?

The Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom is the official coat of arms of the British monarch. An image and a description of its meaning can be seen at the Related Links.

How much is a Royal Standard Typewriter?

The Royal Standard is the Flag of the Coat of Arms insignia of the United Kingdom. The Royal Ensign is flown on Her Majestys' Ships: White for Royal Navy. Red for merchant vessels.

Why is there a unicorn on the British coat of arms?

United Kingdom The Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland depicts a shield supported by a Lion on one side and a Unicorn on the other. The Lion represents England and the Unicorn represents Scotland.

Why is the Irish harp on the royal coat of arms of the British army?

The coat of arms for the British government includes a shield divided into 4 quarters. 2 quarters are the 3 lions of England, 1 quarter the lion of Scotland, the 4th the harp of Ireland. It IS the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Is there such gun as an enfield?

"Enfield" refers to the Royal Small Arms Factory in Enfield, United Kingdom, and the name "Enfield" is applied to small arms manufactured or designed by the Royal Small Arms Factory (even if they didn't come specifically from the Enfield factory). There are several models of pistols and rifles which bear the name "Enfield", the most famous of which is the Short Magazine Lee Enfield rifle.

Why does a british passport have lion and a unicorn on it?

The lion and unicorn are the supporters of the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom which appear on the cover of British passports. The Lion represents England while the Unicorn represents Scotland.

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The Royal Standard is the Flag of the Coat of Arms insignia of the United Kingdom. The Royal Ensign is flown on Her Majestys' Ships: White for Royal Navy. Red for merchant vessels.

What is the best bowling city in the United Kingdom?

Manchester because they have stronger arms.

How do you play combat arms in the united kingdom?

I'm pretty sure you can play Combat Arms EU on the web site linked below.

Which symbols are displayed on the coat of arms for the German region of Emsland?

On the coat of arms for the German region of Emsland, there are six different symbols. The Kingdom of Castile, The Kingdom of Leon, Crown of Aragon, Kingdom of Navarre, Kingdom of Granada, House of Bourbon, the Pillars of Hercules, the Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire and the Spanish Royal Crown.