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It helps to identify causes and effects of events and people related to Texas history.

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Q: Why is the Age of Contact important to Texas history?
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Benefits for over age 60 in dallas?

Contact Texas Medicaid, (800) 252-8263.

What is the legal age of consent for gay people in Texas?

The legal age of consent in Texas is 17 for both heterosexual and homosexual relationships. It is important to note that there are additional laws that criminalize sexual contact with minors below the age of 17.

What is the emancipation law for Texas?

There is no statute for emancipation in Texas. You will have to wait until you reach the age of majority. If you are not safe, contact social services for help.

Can you carry a gun in your car at the age of eighteen years old in Texas?

Within the constriants of Texas law, yes. Contact your local police for specifics.

What is the age of consent in Texaswhat does this mean?

if I'm reading your question correctly, "what is the age of consent in Texas" means "at what age can a minor have sexual relations w/ another person (whither a minor or not is indifferent to the question, but important" and the secondary phrase "in Texas" is respecting Texas state law, as the law is different in each state. if I'm reading your question correctly, "what is the age of consent in Texas" means "at what age can a minor have sexual relations w/ another person (whither a minor or not is indifferent to the question, but important" and the secondary phrase "in Texas" is respecting Texas state law, as the law is different in each state.

How did the Spanish who entered Texas during the age of contact leave an impact on the area?

They were in the Southwest and California and established missions and colonies.

What is the procedure of emancipation in Texas?

There is no statute in Texas, so there is no procedure. You'll have to wait until you are the age of majority. If you are not safe at home, contact the local social services agency to get help.

What is the age of the youngest member of the Texas House of Representatives in history?

John Coggswell Conner started out at the age of 27and served from March of 1870 to March of 1871.

Is it illegal for a seventeen year old boy to have sexual contact with a sixteen year old girl in the state of Texas?

No - she has not reached the age of sexual consent in Texas. Wait til she's 17

What is the median age of Texas?

According to, the median age in Texas is 33.1 years of age.

Age of consent in Texas?

seventeen is the age of consent to sex in Texas for both heterosexual and gay sex.{Texas Penal Code Section 21.11}.There is no difference based on sexual orientation in Texas or any state. In 2003 the courts overturned all the sodomy laws.