

Why is prussia awesome?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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11y ago

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The elimination of Prussia and its people from the pages of history was the most unfortunate consequence of World War 2. Prussia is awesome because the kingdom was small in relation to the major powers of europe (France,Austria) yet matched these powers in strength because of the prussians Efficiency and order. The prussians also created the iron cross which is the best.

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Is Prussia Awesome?

The elimination of Prussia and its people from the pages of history was the most unfortunate consequence of World War 2. Prussia is awesome because the kingdom was small in relation to the major powers of europe (France,Austria) yet matched these powers in strength because of the prussians Efficiency and order. The prussians also created the iron cross which is the best.

When did Prussia cease to exist?

Prussia was officially dissolved in 1947.

Was austria ever part of prussia?

Usually not. However, during the Seven Years' War a part of Prussia briefly became Russian from 1758 until 1763. After World War 2 a part of Prussia became Russian again. This "Russian Prussia" is called Kaliningrad Oblast. The other parts of (Old Baltic) Prussia are now part of Poland and Lithuania. Prussia has two meanings: The (German) Kingdom of Prussia on one hand and Old/Baltic Prussia on the other hand. The Kingdom of Prussia got its name from the original Baltic Prussia (in Old Prussian language it is called "Prūsa"). The original Baltic Prussia was the easternmost province of the Kingdom of Prussia. That Province of Prussia inside the Kingdom of Prussia was most of the time parted into East Prussia and West Prussia.

When was Prussia created?

Prussia was created in 1525.

What two major powers emerged in Europe at the end of the Thirty Years War?

Austria and Prussia

What country became vessel to Prussia?

Prussia was the state and former kingdom of Germany. Austria became a vassal state to Prussia. Later on Austria and Prussia become little more than just vassal state.

Who founded Prussia?

Prussia originated as the Teutonic Knights.

What country controlled most of Poland 1815?

Prussia.....=D Prussia.....=D