

Why is petra so amazing?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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11y ago

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Cause Shes beautiful and Nice !!!

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Q: Why is petra so amazing?
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Why people go to petra?

Cause Petra is so beautiful and it's amazing and it's more than 2000 years old !

Why would people want to visit Petra?

Because it is a unique city that is a major tourist attraction. Petra has amazing scenery and Petra is without a doubt Jordan's most magnificent sight. The main thing is Petra is the amazing Khazneh. Although a lot has been written about Petra none of it really prepares you for just how magnificent it really is.

Why was the city Petra in south Jordan so named?

because petra or petro means stone, and petra is a city of stone

What happened to Petra?

There were earthquakes and Petra became less important for trade so it was abandoned.

What is a great place to visit?

To Jordan in the Arab world because they have soo many amazing things like the Petra or the Dead Sea :)

When was the petra finished from being built?

No one is exactly sure of the method of building the amazing city of Petra. However, it is obvious that it was hewn from solid rock and intricately done.

What does the name Petra mean?

Petra means "a rock".

How do you write Petra in Hebrew?

Petra = פטרה

What is the distance from Eilat Israel to Petra Jordan?

On a bus, it's about 3 hours or so once you've crossed the border from Eilat, Israel, to Petra, Jordan.

What is the birth name of Petra Knieper?

Petra Knieper's birth name is Petra Bokeloh.

What does Petra look like?

Petra is a city carved into rock.

What is the birth name of Petra Nettelbeck?

Petra Nettelbeck's birth name is Petra Krause.