

Best Answer

The "I Have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most Famous Speeches in history. He stood up for what was right even though it was dangerous and unpopular.

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Q: Why is martin Luther king's speech important?
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Why was martin Luther kings you have a speech dream so important?

He have save are live

What is martin Luther kings speech about?

The speech is about his dreams of the furture of USA.

What was martin Luther kings speech saying?

he had a dream ;)

What was Martin Luther Kings speech you have a dream about?

for his children

Who was speech''have a dream''said by?

Martin Luther Kings Jr. =] great man Martin Luther King Jr.

What was martin Luther kings most popular speech?

his i have a dream speech is the most popular

How long did Martin Luther Kings speech go on for?

2 hours

Who was president during Martin Luther kings speech?

Linden Johnson

What was martin Luther kings speech about?

Martin Luther King did not make a speech. However, his son, Martin Luther King Jr, delivered a speech called I Have a Dream.

What was martin luther kings speech?

Martin Luther King did not make a speech. However, his son, Martin Luther King Jr, delivered a speech called I Have a Dream.

How many words are there in Martin Luther Kings famous you have a dream speech?


What were some great achievements in martin Luther kings life?

he did his i have a dream speech