You will be more influential that way because you have to right to and you have the will to do it. A good combination to get what you want across :D
that power is collectively recognized by society as legally and morally correct. authority
the feudal registry
Authority is the legal ability and authorization to exercise power for enforcement. Power is the actual wielding of the authority.
Power refers to the ability to influence or control others, authority is the rightful power to make decisions and enforce rules, legitimacy is the perceived rightfulness of those in power, and sovereignty is the supreme authority within a territory. Power can be exercised through authority, which gains legitimacy when it is seen as rightful, and sovereignty establishes the ultimate power within a state.
A tyrant.
governmental office
that power is collectively recognized by society as legally and morally correct. authority
Power refers to the ability to influence others and achieve desired outcomes, while legitimacy is the belief that the exercise of power is appropriate and rightful. Together, power and legitimacy are critical elements of authority and governance, as they determine the acceptance and effectiveness of the decision-making processes and actions of individuals, organizations, or governments. A balance between power and legitimacy is necessary for maintaining stability and trust in societies.
Max Weber's theory of power emphasizes the role of authority and legitimacy in the exercise of power. He argued that power can be maintained through a combination of traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal authority. Weber also highlighted the importance of bureaucracy as a dominant form of organization in modern societies for the exercise of power.
No. Authority is the ABILITY to exercise power and influence. Might makes right. See? That's democracy in a nutshell.Another PerspectiveAbsolutely, yes. Authority takes many shapes as the right to control, command, determine, judge, settle disputes, and also as the power to enforce and the ability to make laws. In law authority is the legal right to act on behalf of someone else
Power refers to the ability to influence or control others, while authority is the legitimate right to exercise power. Authority is often derived from structures such as laws or institutions, giving it a formal basis compared to power, which can be more informal. In a social context, authority is generally seen as a more stable and accepted form of control than power.
Yes, and there are several meanings. One is the general power of government, another is the right to exercise power, and a third is a public governing body.
Power is the ability to get things done by others. The principle of power is to punish and reward. Power can exist with or without authority. For instance an armed robber has power but no authority. Whereas authority is the power to enforce law and take command, and to expect obedience from those without authority. Authority can exist with or without power, for example a teacher has authority over the pupils but no real power. Steven Lukes states that there is three dimensions of power, decision, non decision making and manipulating desires. In parliament when a law is being discussed by MP's and any other form of political group there must be a body which has power so that they can actually come to a decision.Authority is basically the right to do something whereas power is the ability to do it or get it done, it can be said that authority is a form of legitimate power (CIMA,2010 Entreprise Management)Authority is the ability to exercise power for enforcement. Power is the actual wielding of the authority.
Abuse of power by government is the same as any abuse of power improper use of authority by someone who has that authority because he or she holds a public office. Abuse of power is very different from usurpation of power, which is an exercise of authority that the offender does not actually have.