

Why is fruit good for us?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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14y ago

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It contains water so we don't get dehydrated and makes us healthy

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Q: Why is fruit good for us?
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Are fruit good to us?

Yes fruits are always good for us as they contain many things our body needs.

Why is fruit and vegetable good for you?

Fruits are very good to our body because it gives us vitamins. Vitamins helps us to fight disease

What health food is good for us?

Fresh fruit and vegetables are great for us, also meat, chicken and fish for a balanced diet.

When was Good Fruit created?

Good Fruit was created in 2000.

Is fruit good for you?

Yes fruit is known to be good for you especially bananas.

Is blueburry good for the body?

Yes blueberries are a fruit and fruit is good for you.

Does Kansas have a fruit?

The US state of Kansas does not have an official state fruit.

Is it good for digestion to mix fruit with fat?

No it is not good to mix fruit with fat because the fat will take over the fruit nutrients.

What good luck fruit in Taiwan?

it is star fruit. it is star fruit. it is star fruit. it is star fruit. it is star fruit.

Is dried fruit good or bad?

It's good, basicly fruit in dried form.

What fruit good for increase sex?

Passion Fruit

What are merits and demerits of juices of fruit?

Fruit is a food, fruit juices are processed food. In moderation fruit/fruit juices are good for you.