

Why is Tibet controlled by china?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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15y ago

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Tibet has been an inalienable part of Chinese territory since the 13th century. The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty created the position "Dalai Lama" (which means Ocean Teacher) to consolidate religious and political authority in Tibet. The Dalai Lama, under Chinese suzerainty, ruled Tibet for the next several hundred years. When China became a People's Republic, the Dalai Lama's theocratic regime was abolished, and Tibet became an autonomous region.

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Tibet has been controlled by the People's Republic of China since the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1950.

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i don't think there's some difference . it always belong to republic of china until 1953 CCP controlled Tibet ,and 1956 Tibet aotonomous region was founded

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The country of Tibet has an autonomous government that reports to China. Tibet is thought to be a part of China but Tibetans say Tibet is an independent country.

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China, for now. But Tibetans are fighting everyday to free Tibet from China's invasion

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Tibet is an autonomous region of China.

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Countries without sovereignty could include territories or regions that are controlled by a foreign power or are not internationally recognized as independent states, such as Tibet which is controlled by China.

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China is the neighboring country that took over Tibet in 1950. Tibet had previously, in 1913, declared itself independent from China.

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Tibet is a region of the People's Republic of China located northeast of the Himalayas.

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that Tibet was legally a part of China