

Why is Magellan given credit for?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: Why is Magellan given credit for?
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Who was the first to sail across the world?

Ferdinand Magellan is given that credit, although he died along the way.

Who was first explorer given credit for sailing around the world?

Ferdinand Magellan, although he died along the way.

What happen in the Philippines Why should Magellan be given credit as the first man to circumnavigate the globe?

In 1521, Ferdinand Magellan led the first successful expedition to circumnavigate the globe, with Juan Sebastian Elcano completing the journey after Magellan's death in the Philippines. Magellan's expedition played a significant role in advancing knowledge of the world's geography and paved the way for future exploration and trade routes. While Magellan did not personally complete the circumnavigation, his leadership and vision were crucial in initiating the voyage and its eventual completion.

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Ferdinand Magellan set sail in 1519 . He was a Potugese sailor , but undertook the voyage under the flag of Spain. He died in the Philippines , and never made the return voyage, but as Captain of the Fleet , the credit is still given to him.

Who was given credit of being the first to circumnavigate the globe?

Magellan was given credit for it. However he was not the first as he died half way around. His first mate Juan Sebastián de Elcano was actually the first person to successfully circumnavigate the globe.

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The credit has been given to Ferdinand Magellan although he failed to circumnavigate the globe in his effort in any single try. His combined efforts allow his name to receive the credit. Ferdinand Magellan and his crew sailed around the world.

Who was the First man to be given credit for sailing around the world?

Magellan s voyage was the first to sail around the world, though he did not complete the voyage.

What did ferdinand megellan do?

Ferdinand Magellan was the captain of the first ship to sail around the world. He died in the Philippians before the voyage was completed, but he is given credit for the voyage.

What was the greatest achievement of Ferdinand Magellan?

He started the expedition that was the first to circumnavigate the globe. He died on the way, however, he is still given the credit.

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The first name given to the Philippines by Magellan was "Archipelago of San Lazaro."

Who was know for being the first person to circumnavigate the world?

Ferdinand Magellan is generally given credit, but he died in the Philippians.Certain members of his original crew, most notably his navigator, Juan Sebastián de Elcano did make it.

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