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The Gettysburg Address is important because it brought our country back together as one nation Interesting thing about the Gettysburg Address, it was such a short speech (in a time when many speeches went on for hours) and Lincoln was on and off the stage so quickly, at the time people didn't realise he had finished his speech when he left the stage - the speaker before Lincoln had talked for 2 hours - and some even missed the speech entirely. Newspaper reporters printed the speech and it was printed over and over again.

The Address seemed to speak to a people divided by a civil war - brother against brother, father against son. The worse type of war. His few words returned to the war weary people a belief in what they were fighting for and that it was worth the struggle. The simple elequence of the words seemed to address a pain and sooth some of it. Lincoln reassured the American people that although this was a catastrophic war, somehow the democracy would endure. As the previous poster stated: it brought our country back together as ONE nation.

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11y ago

Because history can repeat itself, and the main themes in his adress such as democracy transcends with time, and shows that even in hard times from the mid 1800's people still could be united as one nation. And even now when people are in doubt they have Lincoln's great adress to look back to for comfort into their actions.

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15y ago

we are still in a war

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Q: Why is Lincoln's Gettysburg Address still significant?
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Why do you think people today still find meaning in the words of Lincoln's Gettysburg address?

People today still find the meaning in the gettysburg address because they want to know what it means or what it is

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The Civil War was still being fought when Lincoln delivered the address.

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Yes , the American Civil War was still being waged while the Gettysburg Address was given by US President Lincoln . The date of the speech was November 19, 1863 and the war ended in 1865 .

What relevance does the Gettysburg Address have in your history today?

democracy is still our from of government. umm... the republic did not end because we are still a republic

What is one of linconls speeches?

I just answered it... Gettysburg Address, Lincoln still spelt wrong.

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A contemporary scholar's discussion of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address would not be considered a primary source, but a secondary source. It may still be a valid source of information, however.

What happened to the Gettysburg Address?

The acuall Written speech was put into the Libary of Congress but other than that paper the words are still relevant today.

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Lincoln was not the main speaker at the dedication of Gettysburg cemetery. He was asked to make some preliminary remarks. His speech is remembered today because it is short, poetically written and to the point.

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The unfinished work he was referring to at the time was the Civil War because it was still being fought.