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Because the Soviets were a parallel to the US:

1. Both were represented by a star on their equipment: Soviet Red & US White.

2. Both nations were conglomerates of different peoples & states.

3. Both nations were world super-powers, with "US" as their first initials.

4. Both nations were fighting a long war in Southern Asia for roughly ten years.

5. Both nations were having difficulties with those wars.

6. Both nations utlimately pulled out of those South Asian countries.

7. Both nations fought with drafted men (conscripts).


A) The Afghan war was not fought against a foreign nation. It was fought by insurgents from their own country (with some foreign mercenaries...they're usually present in all conflicts); another words, the Soviets weren't fighting another regular (standing) army, air force, navy, or marine corps. The Vietnam War was fought against a foreign country...just like WWI, WWII, Korea, etc. US forces had to fight a standing regular army, navy, and air force; in fact the Gulf of Tonkin incident was initiated by a NAVAL force (NVN P 4 Torpedo Boats attacking a USN destroyer).

B) The Afghan war with the Soviets began on or about December '79 and lasted until about Feb '89; about 9 years. The US Military began landing in South Vietnam in 1955 (1954 for transitioning the French out) & didn't completely leave until the embassy fell in April of '75. That's about 20 years "in country."

C) The Afghan war produced roughly 10,000 Soviet dead and nearly 500 destroyed aircraft. The Vietnam War produced about 58,000 US dead and nearly 12,000 destroyed aircraft (aircraft-both fixed and rotor-wing).

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Q: Why is Afghanistan called the Soviet Union's Vietnam?
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Why was Afghanistan know as the soviet union's Vietnam?

This appellation came from the fact that the Soviet-Afghanistan War of 1979-1989 was a war in which many Soviet troops, trying to prop up a pro-Soviet government, died in a foreign land (Afghanistan) opposed by rebel insurgents (Mujahedin). This was very similar to the US experience in the Second Indochinese War (called the Vietnam War in the USA), where many US troops, trying to prop up a pro-US government, died in a foreign land (Vietnam) opposed by rebel insurgents (VietCong).

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