The climate and habitability of a site would have been of crucial importance. Would it be a liveable place throughout the year or could one freeze to death in winter and suffocate during the summer months? Would the yearly rainfall be sufficient to support the immigrants? Would the land be fertile enough to grow crops and would farm stock be able to graze on the meadows? Would there be hostile neighbours who could threaten the safety of the settlers? Would the general environment support the number of new people living there?
Information about how to live in this new country - Apex
Many families moved to the US in order to escape religious persecution. OThers left due to debts, or government conflict.
Immigrants come to the US every year. There has never been a single year of US history in which there were no immigrants.
Many Mexican immigrants moved to the West and worked on ranches and farms. However, not all Mexican immigrants did this. Different people settled in different parts of the country depending on where their community or family was. Many Mexican immigrants can also find work in construction and carpentry. On that basis many can find work in the Northeast USA, and other locations.
who whethe immigrants who moved into ohio
they moved to find freedom and peace because the king was a jerk
Information about how to live in this new country - Apex
There are several thousand Kashmiri immigrants to the U.S. in Buffalo, New York.
he used to live in russia then he moved to the US
They live anywhere they are bred or have been moved to!!!!
Mexicans ARE allowed in the US. As visitors and legal immigrants. When people from any country want to come to the US to stay, live and work, there are laws that cover the procedures to do that. Many people in Mexico have ignored that law, and moved into the US illegally.
Immigrants are people coming from other countries to live in your country. Many immigrants moved when a country is in trouble, like during a war or famine or havng an economic crisis. Immigrants come in search of a better life.
how many people live in America that are from Guatemala
Most hondurean live everywhere but were the most located is in Brooklyn,NY
New Ork City