

Why if proclamation was made?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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Lincoln justified his Emancipation Proclamation on the basis of?

Lincoln made the argument that the Emancipation Proclamation was a military necessity. Lincoln believed the proclamation would weaken the South.

What did The Emncipation Proclamation do?

the emancipation proclamation did nothing it just made the confederate mad. it did nothing until after the civil war.

How do you use proclamation in a sentence?

" The mayor made a proclamation that the town would eat healthy foods all day."

Where did Lincoln make proclamation?

He made it after the battle of Gettysburg.

What part of speech is proclamation?

Sentence: It is not unusual for the President to issue an annual Thanksgiving proclamation.It is an official announcement.

What president issued the first thanksgiving day proclamation?

As President, on October 3, 1789, George Washington made the proclamation

What month was the proclamation of 1763 passed?

NO i mean the Proclamation of 1763 it happened before the revolutionary war and i want to know what month it was made in.

When was the proclamation of the Philippine Independence Day?

the philippines is made by salliva

What was the name of the proclamation that Abraham Lincoln made?

The Emmancipation Procclamation

Why did Britain issue proclamation of 1763?

they made george washington anfry

Who made the emancipation proclamation a federal law?

The Emancipation Proclamation was never a law. It was an executive action used as a war measure in the US Civil War.

Who issue the first proclamation making thanksgiving an annual nation holiday?

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President, issued the first official proclamation that made Thanksgiving an annual national holiday.