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The French Canadian population in Canada has been a conquered people for all of this time.

They have accepted this (for the most part) and adapted to their position.

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Q: Why have the french and English been living relatively peacefully since the british conquest of quebec?
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Why sindh annexed by the british?

Like any process of Colonialisation, annexation of Sindh was shameful because the superpower of the time, British Empire just took a non-beligerent land. Sindhi State had in fact allowed British to remain peacefully, and was interested in trade with rest of India. British however did not care for any such niceities and attacked and took over Sindh. In his report back to home government in London of his conquest, Charles Napier wrote, "Peccavi" - latin for "I have sinned". Guilty much?

What war did the Americans Indians support the French?

The French and Indian War (also know as the war of the conquest) The American Indians supported the french because the french fur trappers and traders that they had come across treated them with respect and the English did not. (the war was against the french and british) french and Indians were enemies of the british the Indians helped the french the british won :(

How did the expansion of the British empire affect the freedoms of native Americans the Irish and even many English citizens?

In the Spanish Conquest of the Americas, explorers from Europe went to Meso America and claimed the land, even though it already belonged to the natives. They used the natives as slaves and killed many of them.

What languages were spoken by British colonists?

They spoke English.

Why did Canadians keep connection with the British where as the Americans chose to sever it?

Canada chose to evolve as a nation peacefully. The US chose violent revolution.

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Canada did not rebel against the British. Canada received independence gradually and peacefully.

What did the British do to get an empire?

Unusually, the British Empire was founded on trade and colonisation as much as by military conquest.

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200 years.

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He was successful in separating India from the British Empire peacefully.

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The most important factor in the British conquest of India in the eighteenth century was political strife. At that time the Mugahai Empire was in utter turmoil as the Muslims and Hindus disliked each other.

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What dialect did modern English come from?

Modern English evolved from Middle English, which itself developed from Old English. This process occurred over centuries through various influences, such as the Norman Conquest and interactions with other languages.

Why sindh annexed by the british?

Like any process of Colonialisation, annexation of Sindh was shameful because the superpower of the time, British Empire just took a non-beligerent land. Sindhi State had in fact allowed British to remain peacefully, and was interested in trade with rest of India. British however did not care for any such niceities and attacked and took over Sindh. In his report back to home government in London of his conquest, Charles Napier wrote, "Peccavi" - latin for "I have sinned". Guilty much?

How did the British Empire spread around the world in the 19th century?

Elizabeth 1 expanded the British empire

Which English is more used in Pakistan-American English or British English?

British English. It is prevalent since the time of the British.

Is it English English or British English?

Generally we refer to the English spoken in the British Isles as "British English," but the distinction could be made between various forms of it: Irish English, Scottish English and English English.