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The term Black Death comes from the infected and gangrenous lymph nodes on the body as they become black. The disease caused a mortality rate up to 40% of the population in a very short time. Actually no one knew, or knows now, the excat number of people who died.

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It was called the Black Death because the lymph glands (mainly the large ones in the armpits and groins) became black with gangrene. These swollen nodes were called buboes at that time. The fingers and toes became black as well and death soon followed.
Many spent their days removing the bodies of the dead and attempted to bury them in large deep pits. One person wrote that others were placed on top of those and then another layer of earth: 'just as one makes lasagna with layers of pasta and cheese.'

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Q: Why has the black death been called both the great mortality and the black death?
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What was the bubonic plague called in the middle ages?

The bubonic plague was called the Great Pestilence, Great Plague, or Great Mortality during the Middle Ages. Somewhat later it was called the Black Death. There is a link below.

What is another name for the black death?

Answer to "Were there other names for the black death?"Another name for the Black Death is the Black Plague. In the Middle Ages, people called it the "Great Pestilence"' and the "Great Plague." Medieval writers referred to the plague as the "Great Mortality." The term "Black Death" has actually only been used since 1833. AlsoThe names for the 3 different forms of the Black Death were the Bubonic plague, Septicemic plague, and the Pneumonic Plague.Answer to "Were there other names for the black death?"· Great Pestilence · Great Plague· Great Mortality· Black Death· Black Plague· Bubbonic Plague· Septicemic plague· Pneumonic Plague

What is the original name for black death?

The black death is also known as 'The Black Plague' but the scientific name for it is the bubonic plague.

Why did medieval Europe call it the black death?

The mortality rate of The Great Mortality was ridiculously high. It is currently estimated that a quarter of the European population died, and in London more than one hundred fifty thousand died. Thousands of bodies were buried at a time, and some unfortunate victims were buried alive. (Think about the "I'm not dead yet" scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail) The name 'the Great Mortality' was coined (so to speak) by the Church, who were really big on dramatic names. Europe was extremely religious at the time, and many thought that this pandemic was god's judgment on a sinful community.

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What was the second great pandemic?

The second pandemic occurred during the fourteenth century, and was called the Black Death because its main symptom was the appearance of black patches (caused by bleeding) on the skin.

What was the nickname of the bubonic plaque?

The Great Dying, the Black Death, the Great Plague, the Plague

How did the black death arrive in great britten?

Rats, millions of them!

When did you black death stop?

after the great fire of London XD

Why was the Black Death called the Black Death?

Writers contemporary to the plague referred to the event as the "Great Mortality". Swedish and Danish chronicles of the 16th century described the events as "black" for the first time, not to describe the late-stage sign of the disease, in which the sufferer's skin would blacken due to subepidermal hemorrhages and the extremities would darken with gangrene, but more likely to refer to black in the sense of glum or dreadful and to denote the terribleness and gloom of the events.Source: S. Barry and N. Gualde, "The Biggest Epidemic of History" (La plus grande épidémie de l'histoire), L'Histoire n°310, (2006), p. 38.Read more: Why_is_the_Black_Death_called_the_Black_Death

What was one achievements of the great Society?

the Infant Mortality Rate declined