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That's untrue. Jews have a custom to bathe on Fridays. At other times, they maintain hygiene the same as everyone else and bathe as needed.

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Q: Why don't Jews bathe on fridays?
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DONT DO MEMES such as taylor swifting,faithhilling,and tebowing

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Do hasidic Jews shower daily?

The same percentage of Hasidic Jews shower daily as that of left-handed people, red-haired people, and Republicans who shower daily.Answer:The Torah in general, and certain texts such as the Zohar in particular, are emphatic concerning the obligation to be clean. Therefore, since Hasidic Jews are strict in Torah-observance, you should assume that they (or the large majority of them) are at least as careful about hygiene as everyone else.

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4 pears of clothing for every day of he week except Fridays.

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the dirtiest thinng in the world is homeless people or people who dont bathe

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yes. but you dont drink it, you have to bathe in it. have fun. :)