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Q: Why does parliament have the power to impose taxes on British colonies?
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Who had the power to impose taxes on the colonies?


What act claiming that british parliament had the power to legislate for the colonies?

Declaratory act.

Was one of the major issues that caused the colonial governments to become unhappy with the British Parliament?

Anger over the Stamp Act caused the colonies to grow displeased with the British Parliament. Patrick Henry spoke out against the Stamp Act in the Virginia House of Burgesses. He thought it was not fair that the British Parliament had imposed this tax. He thought only the colonial assemblies should have the power to tax. The colonies' anger with the British Parliament eventually led to the American Revolution.

What is a centralized empire?

A centralized empire is a vast empire that has a single base power and several colonies. A strong example of this is the British empire. The British empire was ruled by the British parliament and Queen of England, however it had several colonies that made up the empire.

Why were the colonists taxed by King George?

The British colonies were established to further the interests of Britain and populated with emigrants from Britain, so they were always taxed from the beginning. By the time of the American Revolution, the King of Great Britain did not hold much real power and he was just a figure head. It was Parliament who decided what taxes and laws to impose upon the colonies. Parliament consists of MPs (members of parliament) that were elected (at this time, only by the rich). However, the colonists were not able to vote in these elections and this is why they felt they were being taxed without representation.

Which monarch was beheaded at the conclusion of the english civil war?

King Charles the First

How has parliament changed?

The British Parliament began as a voice of the people in a monarchical power structure. Today, the monarch has no power and the Parliament makes the decisions.

Who made the colonist pay taxes?

During the 1700s the only authority that had the power to levy taxes in the American Colonies would have been the King of England along with the British Parliament. At the time of the American Revolution the King was George III. This was just one cause of the Revolution. The Colonies had no Representatives in the Parliament.

How did british rule of the colonies change when George 3rd came to power?

He made the monarchy stronger. He reduced Parliament's role. He allowed the Tories into his inner circle

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How did the proclamation of 1763?

The British had power over the colonies

The British system concentrates power in the?

The British system concentrates power in the hands of the Parliament, which is made up of elected Members of Parliament (MPs) and the House of Lords. The Prime Minister, who is the leader of the ruling party in Parliament, holds significant executive power in terms of running the government.