internal migration takes place with in the country,it happens because of limited resources or inadiquated supply of something.that cause people to move from one area to a nother.
If the Great Migration didn't happen, African Americans would have likely remained primarily in the southern United States. They would have continued to face racial segregation, limited economic opportunities, and the oppressive Jim Crow laws. The cultural and demographic changes that occurred as a result of the Great Migration, such as the growth of African American communities in northern cities, would not have taken place.
Depends on what you mean... but I'll try.There is migration, chain migration, forced migration, voluntary migration, net-in migration, net-out migration, immigration, emmigration, countermigration.These are Human Geographic terms by the way. That makes about 9 types of migration.
Who you would call a migration expert would probably depend on which species migration you want information about. A person who specializes in, say, wolves and their migration might be totally different from aperson who specializes in the migration of, say, seagulls.
This movement was known as the Puritan migration.
what are some examples of migration That is not really an answer! :(
more territory
Many African Americans want jobs & education
The wildebeest migration in the Masai Mara typically occurs between July and October, with the peak of the migration occurring in August and September. However, the timing of the migration can vary slightly from year to year depending on factors such as rainfall and grass growth.
Called "drought" - if it lasts long enough them migration or death.
Since the Huns attacked the Germanic tribes the Huns caused the largest migration in history. The migration just didn't happen in Western Roman Empire but it affected the whole nation!
If the Great Migration didn't happen, African Americans would likely have remained more concentrated in the Southern United States. This could have resulted in slower progress towards civil rights and economic opportunities that many African Americans found in the North and West during the Great Migration. Additionally, cultural exchange and diversity in northern cities would have been impacted.
migrationImports and Exports
If the Great Migration didn't happen, African Americans would have likely remained primarily in the southern United States. They would have continued to face racial segregation, limited economic opportunities, and the oppressive Jim Crow laws. The cultural and demographic changes that occurred as a result of the Great Migration, such as the growth of African American communities in northern cities, would not have taken place.
=how Dubai changedopprtunities,risk,challengit really most changed Dubaicause of=MIGRATION!=how Dubai changedopprtunities,risk,challengit really most changed Dubaicause of=MIGRATION!sometimes people needs a jobto be safed from the contry was meanto have a great schoolthis is why contries changecause or because of(<?!(MIGRATION)!?>)
Counter migration- migration in the opposite direction. Counter Migration - forced migration of immigrants to return to their country of origion
Depends on what you mean... but I'll try.There is migration, chain migration, forced migration, voluntary migration, net-in migration, net-out migration, immigration, emmigration, countermigration.These are Human Geographic terms by the way. That makes about 9 types of migration.